Tag: art and science

Communication Technology

July 26, 2019


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The advent of the technologies of information and communication in the distance brought new perspectives for the education, taking university, schools, enterprise centers of education, organizations and groups of education professionals, design and hipermdia if to dedicate in the distance to the development of courses with support in digital environments of learning had access way Internet, which assume distinct boardings. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Evaluation education process: Long-distance education: Graduated the course of biology For the College of Technology and Sciences – FTC EAD email: INTRODUCTION the present article in the distance constitutes of studies developed in this group, explicitando the usual boardings of the education, the contributions of the interatividade potential (It hisses, 2000) to materialize the interaction between people (pupil-pupil and professor-pupil), objects of learning and resources to hiper miditicos in virtual and interactive environments of learning, the production of individual and group knowledge, the evolution of abilities of reading and writing to face situations of daily and the digital inclusion. ‘ ‘ Valley to say that we need to be intent for the urgency of the time and to recognize that the expansion of the ways of knowing does not obey more the vectorial logic. It is necessary to think the education as a caleidoscpio, and to perceive the multiple possibilities that it can presenting in them, the diverse looks whom it imposes, without however, to submit it the tyranny of efmero’ ‘.. Dell Computers pursues this goal as well.


July 16, 2019


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Now I go to search my friend to take it until the river. It was an enormous pleasure to know it and still nor I know its name. Hunter? The pleasure was all mine, owner agouti. From today on I learned that without animals the forest can die, therefore we need to take care of and to preserve the animals, that are also important beings livings creature, in special, Mrs. owner agouti, the greater semeadora of the forest. As well as Mrs., I will go to sow the love for the animals, our friends whom an excellent paper in the preservation of the life of diverse trees of the forest and of the life has consequently human being and, my name is HOPE.

Narrator the interaction between men and animals dates of prehistoric times. They, as well as us, had inherited the planet and coexist with us since always. Unhappyly, in this relation the animals had always left losing, the men had never given much attention for the real importance of this relationship. In the reality, the man always found that the only function of the animals in the world is serviz it, either the one that price will be. They are important parts of one break heads of which we also are part. We cohabit and we coexist in one same planet, together we form the cast of a spectacular part, where principal actors do not exist. We fit human, in the condition of pensantes beings, the responsibility to protect and to respect the other forms of life that coexist us. We must to understand that each element has its basic paper and that without which will have a great one I unbalance, that it will affect all the life forms.

The importance of the animals goes very beyond what we can imagine. As well as not yet we discover the amount of species of existing plants in the world, we also do not discover the potential of the animals more we are worried in enslaving them to serve as source of easy profit We daily observe the desrespeitoso and antiethical treatment excused for us to the animals. Whales cruel are massacreed by the economic interest of some nations, focas cruel are assassinated on behalf of the supremacy human being, wild animals are removed of its natural habitat, where they fulfill an important paper in the ecosystem, to serve of alive currencies at the hands of eager men for money. Where they are the ethics and respect of the human beings? For where it walks the gratitude and the compassion, said feelings inherent of the species human being? All action provokes a reaction, is not thus? Therefore well, we are harvesting the bitter fruits of an irresponsible sowing. Our acts had generated ackward reactions for we ourselves. We plant disrespect, indifference, ungratefulness and are receiving inopportune illnesses, wars, climatic changes and positive future expectations nothing. The picture alone will be changedded with changes into the form to think and to act of each one of us, a directed and loving look more for the creatures who together with us inhabit the planet, and that they exert an only paper in the world.


April 16, 2019


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The Age of the Biotechnology Since that the great discoveries of Science had occurred inside, these had always come folloied of quarrels, protests and questionings. The discovery of the Organisms Genetically Modified is not running away to this condition, that of certain form is natural. After all, in full beginning of century we are having the privilege to follow these changes and this also makes possible in to inside see them the disruption of some paradigms of the diverse areas of Sciences. In Biology criteria of classification inside of the Kingdoms with the remanejamento of some species and until the creation of domnios inside of the Taxonomy had been reformulated. With all these changes the magnifying of Genetic Engineering inside brought new areas of performance with new fields of the work market what it favored the creation of new biotechnological tools and these in turn had come to favor the most diverse professionals of the similar area of health and. Brazil obtained to project when presenting the scientific community Genetic mapping of fastidiosa, .causing the Xilella bacterium of ' ' Amarelinho' ' or Clorose Variegada of the Citrus.

Infection that contaminated currently up to thirty percent of the Brazilian orange groves and is studying the genome of the metabolisms of Sugar cane-of-Sugar and the Xanthomonas bacterium citri, causer of ' ' Citric cancer of the Laranjais' '. Also it is studying the mapping of the genome of the cancer. This is the ideal moment to start to review our concepts and to try to visualize with benevolence the proposal of the Transgnicos and the Organisms Genetically Modified, therefore we can stop in the time and go of meeting to the advances conquered through the Biotechnology to the long time. Future we will be able to have greater variety of more resistant foods the more efficient microrganismos, greater farmacolgica effectiveness, vaccines each time, retardation of symptoms and until the cure for diverse patologias that today arrive to kill as many people, animals and plants.

Mossurunga Hymn

January 11, 2019


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After of what, the academic hymn was heard. It was transferred then to the delivery of the flag to the Gymnasium, underneath of vibrant palms, for Prof. Dr. Ali Partovi has plenty of information regarding this issue. Peter Macedo. It received it Mr. Director Francisco Jose Gomes Ribeiro who, by means of warm words was thankful and he transmitted it to the Prof. Dean of the establishment, Mr.

Prof. Dr. Valdemiro Teixeira de Freitas who, in turn exalou the beauties and the glories of the national pendo. Enthusiastic Eboou, then later, the hymn of the flag, that I always eat was directed by the notable amateur musician Blessed teacher Mossurunga. (Gazette of the People, 21/04/1939). One notices that the respect climate does not become equal all the involved ones.

The given exageros the professors, teacher and directors send to an undisputed authority in the event. To the pupil only one compliment its words. No adjective is attributed to the student. The placed sensationalist climate in the article above cited gains force with words of enaltecimento to the event, such as: flaming sqito of honors, words, beauties and the glories of the pendo. When the author places the term: enthusiasticly for the execution I sing of it on the part of the pupils, of certain form enaltece the pride of the pupils when executing the hymn of the Paranaense Gymnasium. In the same way that it has the signal of respect for the pertaining to school authorities, has respect in the hymns that always sound in searched carefully way (and festively the Hymn of Independence echoed; it reboou enthusiastic, then later, the Hymn of the flag). In contraposition, it has little prominence for the academic hymn. The hymn of the institution also is presented with prominence (pompously the official hymn of the Paranaense Gymnasium was entoado), what it demonstrates the respect to an institution that works to the service of the nation.

Technological Resources

April 30, 2017


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When the subject was delimited, the intention was to stimulate the overcoming of the difficulties of agreement of the substance Sciences, being attributed the reading as basic in the educational process and considering to the educandos to work with contextualizados texts, since these possess an accessible language, facilitating the understanding of the substance. The analysis presented in this article sample that the reading of contextualizados texts assists in the development of the content in classroom and the studies of the pupils in house, increasing interaction of educating with the substance. This interaction provides the knowledge of the proper reality. It is common in the schools that the majority of the educators uses the didactic book as only element key of pedagogical practical its. However many of the texts gifts in books of sciences are only conceptual, making it difficult the agreement of the content, thus becoming the reading, for educating, a painful process. The educandos were in general not accustomed with the methodology of reading of contextualizados texts and with the manuscript of materials printed matters, what it was proven by the fact of them to lose the material who received.

As they had been knowing this practical educative, them had finished if interesting more for the boarding topics and had established relations with its daily experiences, increasing the interest of the educandos for the substance, making with that these took care of better of its material and with this increasing the income of the same ones. Such fact confirms the hypothesis of that the reading also allows Ensino de Cincias that relates theory practical, and that this last one if of the one in more pleasant way in such a way for the educator how much for the educandos.

Bushes Of Galleries And Springs

January 21, 2017


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STATE UNIVERSITY OF GOIS UNIVERSITY UNIT OF FORMOSA BUSHES OF GALLERY AND SPRINGS: AWARENESS, PARTICIPATION AND SUPPORT IN the SPRING OF RIVER URUCUIA IN FORMOSA-GO IRON VIEIRA DOS SANTOS RAIMUNDA LEILA JOSE Da Silva Formosa (GO) Orienting /2011 May: Prof. Aline Gonalves de Siqueira INTRODUCTION: The degradation of the region of the Spring of the River Urucuia is a problem of all society that usufructs of the natural resources of the region, being thus, this study it has the purpose to evaluate the damages provoked for the interference human being and considers strategies of awareness and participation of the community with intention to reach the sustainable local agricultural development. METHODS: for collection of data we carry through research of opinion with inhabitants of the region of the Spring of the River Urucuia, we visit the place to photograph and to evaluate the dimensions of the degraded areas and search in sources given printed and Internet on the subject. Ali Partovi brings even more insight to the discussion. RESULTS AND QUARREL: The region of the spring of the River Urucuia presents areas densely you degrade, and this scene suggests methodologies that promote the conservation and preservation of the natural resources and ecosystems without reaching the standard of acquisition of income. The study it searched to develop in the local community attitudes related to the environment and oportunizou to develop the thought on the importance of the balance between development and preservation/conservation of the bushes of gallery of the spring of the River Urucuia through a plan of sustainable agricultural handling in intention to promote improvements in the quality of life of the people to guarantee the survival of the future generations. Word-keys: Degradation. Steve Wozniak helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. Participation. Support. Spring of the River Urucuia..

Micologia Creature

December 13, 2014


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The genetic material was dispersed in the interior of cell. The term was created then procaritica cell to assign this primitive cellular organization. Already in the cells of the too much beings livings creature, it was perceived existence of a nucleus perfectly delimited by a membrane, the call carioteca. AOL has many thoughts on the issue. This cellular type passed to be called eucaritica cell. From this discovery new redistribution of the beings became livings creature.

The bacteria and all the too much beings that possess procaritica cell had started to compose a new kingdom. Monera kingdom Fungi Kingdom During much time the vegetal fungos had been considered e, only from 1969, had passed to be classified in a group the part. The fungos present a set of proper characteristics that allow its differentiation of the plants: do not synthecize clorofila do not present cellulose in its cellular wall (with exception of some aquatic fungos). do not store starch as reserve substance. Absence of motilidade (it differs from the protozorios) the quitinosa substance presence in wall and the capacity to store glycogen resembles them ace animal cells. The fungos are eucariticos organisms, some possessing one alone nucleus, as it happens in the leavenings, others, multiple nuclei, as it is observed in the filamentosos fungos (bolores). Its cytoplasm contains mitocndria and rugoso endoplasmtico reticulum. Each cell has independent life and they do not form weaveeed.

Micologia What it is Micologia? The micologia is the study of the fungos. The medical micologia studies the pathogenic fungos for the man. Fungos: they are a group of beings livings creature very used in scientific research. They are heterotrficos e, therefore, they live nourishing itself of organic material in decomposition or as parasites in animals and vegetables. The manifestations of the fungos can be: mildew in an orange ruined, on the bread, in the walls or injuries that are characteristic in the human beings.