
April 16, 2019


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The Age of the Biotechnology Since that the great discoveries of Science had occurred inside, these had always come folloied of quarrels, protests and questionings. The discovery of the Organisms Genetically Modified is not running away to this condition, that of certain form is natural. After all, in full beginning of century we are having the privilege to follow these changes and this also makes possible in to inside see them the disruption of some paradigms of the diverse areas of Sciences. In Biology criteria of classification inside of the Kingdoms with the remanejamento of some species and until the creation of domnios inside of the Taxonomy had been reformulated. With all these changes the magnifying of Genetic Engineering inside brought new areas of performance with new fields of the work market what it favored the creation of new biotechnological tools and these in turn had come to favor the most diverse professionals of the similar area of health and. Brazil obtained to project when presenting the scientific community Genetic mapping of fastidiosa, .causing the Xilella bacterium of ' ' Amarelinho' ' or Clorose Variegada of the Citrus.

Infection that contaminated currently up to thirty percent of the Brazilian orange groves and is studying the genome of the metabolisms of Sugar cane-of-Sugar and the Xanthomonas bacterium citri, causer of ' ' Citric cancer of the Laranjais' '. Also it is studying the mapping of the genome of the cancer. This is the ideal moment to start to review our concepts and to try to visualize with benevolence the proposal of the Transgnicos and the Organisms Genetically Modified, therefore we can stop in the time and go of meeting to the advances conquered through the Biotechnology to the long time. Future we will be able to have greater variety of more resistant foods the more efficient microrganismos, greater farmacolgica effectiveness, vaccines each time, retardation of symptoms and until the cure for diverse patologias that today arrive to kill as many people, animals and plants.