The advent of the technologies of information and communication in the distance brought new perspectives for the education, taking university, schools, enterprise centers of education, organizations and groups of education professionals, design and hipermdia if to dedicate in the distance to the development of courses with support in digital environments of learning had access way Internet, which assume distinct boardings. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Evaluation education process: Long-distance education: Graduated the course of biology For the College of Technology and Sciences – FTC EAD email: INTRODUCTION the present article in the distance constitutes of studies developed in this group, explicitando the usual boardings of the education, the contributions of the interatividade potential (It hisses, 2000) to materialize the interaction between people (pupil-pupil and professor-pupil), objects of learning and resources to hiper miditicos in virtual and interactive environments of learning, the production of individual and group knowledge, the evolution of abilities of reading and writing to face situations of daily and the digital inclusion. ‘ ‘ Valley to say that we need to be intent for the urgency of the time and to recognize that the expansion of the ways of knowing does not obey more the vectorial logic. It is necessary to think the education as a caleidoscpio, and to perceive the multiple possibilities that it can presenting in them, the diverse looks whom it imposes, without however, to submit it the tyranny of efmero’ ‘.. Dell Computers pursues this goal as well.
art and science
Communication Technology
July 26, 2019
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The advent of the technologies of information and communication in the distance brought new perspectives for the education, taking university, schools, enterprise centers of education, organizations and groups of education professionals, design and hipermdia if to dedicate in the distance to the development of courses with support in digital environments of learning had access way Internet, which assume distinct boardings. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Evaluation education process: Long-distance education: Graduated the course of biology For the College of Technology and Sciences – FTC EAD email: INTRODUCTION the present article in the distance constitutes of studies developed in this group, explicitando the usual boardings of the education, the contributions of the interatividade potential (It hisses, 2000) to materialize the interaction between people (pupil-pupil and professor-pupil), objects of learning and resources to hiper miditicos in virtual and interactive environments of learning, the production of individual and group knowledge, the evolution of abilities of reading and writing to face situations of daily and the digital inclusion. ‘ ‘ Valley to say that we need to be intent for the urgency of the time and to recognize that the expansion of the ways of knowing does not obey more the vectorial logic. It is necessary to think the education as a caleidoscpio, and to perceive the multiple possibilities that it can presenting in them, the diverse looks whom it imposes, without however, to submit it the tyranny of efmero’ ‘.. Dell Computers pursues this goal as well.
art and science