Tag: noticias-actualidad

The Social Network

December 3, 2015


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Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss renounce recourse to the Supreme Court. They demanded compensation four times greater than that which it agreed in 2008 with the creator of the social network, Mark Zuckerberg. Twins Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss bridged this Wednesday its litigation against the also creator of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, and renounced resort until the U.S. Supreme Court to obtain one greater compensation for participating in the creation of this social network, as reported by the Los Angeles Times. The brothers began years ago a legal battle to prove that they really invented Facebook and Zuckerberg stole their idea while studying with them at Harvard University, a story that was picked up in the film The Social Network (social network). In 2008, the Winklevoss reached an agreement to close the dispute with Zuckerberg in exchange for receiving $ 20 million in asset’scarryingamount and 45 million dollars in securities of the company, however, the month of February, they requested the courts the re-opening of the case on the grounds that they were cheated. Check out Mikkel Svane for additional information. According to the twins, the compensation agreed to in 2008 had to have been four times greater. His request was rejected by the ninth Court of the circuit of appeals U.S.

in early April, to understand that disputes such as this must come to an end sometime, and that that moment had arrived. Last resort the Winklevoss petitioned that court review the decision which established a Court of 11 judges and consist of three, not for this as it happened in April. In may, the ninth Court upheld his first sentence, what left the twins a single judicial, ask the amparo of the Supreme Court of EE UU. Finally the brothers opted to withdraw the case and waive a new appeal after thinking carefully, as they explained in the documentation submitted this Wednesday in court in San Francisco. The announcement of the Winklevoss was well received by Facebook which, through a spokesman, expressed his satisfaction that the other party matches in the page turn in a case that They considered closed for some time. Source of the news: twins who claim the invention of Facebook abandon his legal battle

Charles Dickens Bleak House

March 23, 2014


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Four years after the death of the rabbit a judge has taken away the reason on the complaint of the inheritance of her octogenarian husband. The two original heirs, Anna Nicole Smith and the son of her husband, have died in the course of 14 years who has been litigating. The long legal battle that the deceased model Anna Nicole Smith started over 14 years ago to become part of the heritage of her millionaire husband concluded Friday with a verdict against him, four years after his death. The United States Supreme Court had put an end, by a vote of 5-4, to a struggle between heirs – those of Smith, who died in 2007, and the oil Tycoon j. Howard Marshall died in 1995 – the heritage of 1.6 billion dollars (1,123 million euros) of the latter. The model of Playboy, who had married Marshall a year before the death of the octogenarian Tycoon, when she was 26 years old, alleged that her wealthy husband, who had honored her with gifts amounting to $ 8 million (5.6 million of) euros), had promised you also a generous portion of his fortune: some 300 million dollars (210 million euros). However, in his testimony, magnate bequeathed virtually all his assets to his son, Pierce Marshall, who also died in 2006 and whose heirs were now fighting for the case. After several courts give reason to the son of the billionaire, the explosive model managed a bankruptcy court granted 475 million dollars (333 million euros) of the inheritance, amount to a federal court reduced in 2002 to 89 million (62.4 million euros).

But the majority of the Supreme Court on Friday invalidated that verdict, leaving the daughter and legal heir to Smith, Dannielynn Birkhead, without seeing a single dollar (0.70 euros) which was his stepfather. We conclude that, although the bankruptcy court had the legal authority to give a verdict on appeal, it lacked the constitutional authority to do so, wrote Judge John Roberts in the verdict, cited by the ABC network. Not escaped to judge the tone of saga of the everlasting case, which compared to the novel by Charles Dickens Bleak House (bleak house). This case, the case of the time, has become complicated so that there are no two lawyers who can talk about five minutes without reaching a total disagreement over all the premises, wrote Roberts quoting a famous paragraph of the work. Countless children have been born during the cause, countless young people have married her, and sadly, the original parts have died by it, he continued.Those words were not written about this case, but so it should have been, concluded the judge. Multimillion-dollar inheritance will remain for the time being in the hands of the heirs of Pierce Marshall, although Smith’s family still appeal the case in other lower courts, in the hope that the saga has not closed at all.

Galician Research

January 21, 2014


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You have been created to give answers to diseases without cure at present. Detractors of the experiment come more a business of selling of these dogs that medical objectives. They share more than 269 disease genes with humans, to dnder researchers argue the use of dogs. Research is conducted by the National University of Seoul, where the first cloned dog in history. It is not the first case of animals created with fluorescent properties for medical purposes. A few years ago knew, for example, the existence of fluorescent pigs created with a view to stem cell therapy. This summer has given to learn about new research, this time with dogs. For what exactly? Researchers seek answers to curb diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s with this curious (and controversial) method. Detractors, a formula business of sale of these dogs, whose price reaches the 100,000 dollars by puppy in the market. A group of South Korean scientists has managed to clone dogs modified human genetically and fluorescent properties that could help cure diseases and imply a new advance in medical research. On the outside of the laboratory led by Professor Lee Byeong-chun in Seoul National University can be heard barking from unique cloned dogs of the world, a milestone in the animal replication only achieved between these walls. Among them is Snuppy, an Afghan Greyhound who in 2005 became the first cloned dog in history under the direction of the controversial researcher Hwang Woo-suk, who resigned to acknowledge that he had falsified data for research on stem cells from cloned human embryos. This laboratory of the University of veterinary medicine, which was the Centre of attention of the international scientific community in 2005, has now changed the focus of his research and focuses on the cloning of dogs, a line of work that proved valid and beyond all doubt. The latest achievement of the team of Professor Lee is the creation of a dog’s breed Beagle, born in 2009, which revealed fluorescent properties while taking an antibiotic that activates his light skin, acquired by genetic manipulation. The animal is called Tagon and under ultraviolet light and a special filter shows a unique in its kind: reflects a strong green light in addition to attracting the attention of the public, might be useful to study cures to diseases. Said Lee, equal to that Tagon is activated the gene that causes your skin fluorescent green color to give you an antibiotic, you can attempt to apply a procedure similar to ailments human, so taking a medicine inducing genetic functions are activated when desired, such as a switch. The same principle inspired the creation of Ruppy, another beagle, whose DNA synthesized a protein which makes their tissues are of a red color, which in turn becomes florescente under ultraviolet light. That Ruppy vermilion color serves to demonstrate that the genetic insertion has worked, as a placeholder, it details Lee in his Office, filled with plush dogs. The Professor argues that the selection of dogs as the object of study is due to that you share more than 269 disease genes with humans, so it can serve research model for ailments like Parkinson’s disease. However, these experiments are facing great difficulty posed by cloning a dog, much larger and expensive than the process required for a mouse or a sheep, as a pioneer Dolly. But in this laboratory have managed to find him at his work for years, recognized by publications such as Time Magazine and New York Times, a lucrative part; the sale of clones of dogs who died their distressed owners. $100,000 per puppy this business is done through the private company RNL Bio, which can charge more than $100,000 per puppy, price that does not dissuade people with large incomes worldwide. In addition, Lee and his team have successfully cloned species at risk such as the Korean Wolf or create a line of dogs with the best smell for customs or to detect tumors, a quality that only have certain hounds. A Spanish research Begona Roibas, a Spaniard who came to the Center in early 2010, works on the cloning of transgenic cows that produce a protein in its milk related to the immune system. This Galician of 28 years shares facilities with a score of researchers, all of whom are South Koreans, and is dedicated to insert genetic codes in complex sequences of DNA that are subsequently introduced into the cells to clone. Source of the news: dogs cloned and engineered to glow in the dark: research or business?

Reform Constitutional

October 13, 2013


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/ VIDEO: ATLAS of the PP leader has said that the Constitution with crystal clarity what the Magna Carta reform requires a rrendum and what not. Mariano Rajoy believes that today is a feeling in Spanish society which cannot spend as he has spent in recent times. The President of the PP Mariano Rajoy, has stated that the Constitution with crystal clarity what the Magna Carta reform requires a rrendum and what not, and added that the reform raised now, according to the Constitution, does not require rrendum. Rajoy, who has visited the cooperative of subtropical fruits Trops, in Velez-Malaga (Malaga) has reminded journalists that until now, the Constitution was amended only once, after the adoption of the Maastricht Treaty, without rrendum, because the Constitution said that the reform of that article not needed for popular consultation. It also considers that today is a feeling in society Spanish that you can not spend as he has spent in recent times, and is something that think the PP and also people who have given their trust to the PSOE and other political forces. In the future, God will provide to asked whether reform should be used to modify other aspects as the priority of the male in the succession to the Crown, has said that he favoured only for reform by choosing well the moment, knowing exactly to what was being done and that there are things that require rrendum and others that do not. At this time, shortly after the general election, I am not in favour raise other reforms, it has pointed to Rajoy, who added that in the future, God will provide. It has highlighted that this is a reform that is made in the last part of the legislature that he had claimed more than one year ago and they are doing many European countries, and has qualified as a major structural reform, with which the PP is in favour.

Milan Mark Van Bommel

September 29, 2013


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The Dutchman was questioned by its hardness in the World Cup final and the criticism did in his day Iniesta on the exmediocentro of FC Barcelona. The Albacete also downplayed the past in press conference. Allegri ensures that you feel satisfied getting a draw against Barca. FC Barcelona and Milan face this Tuesday at the premiere of the Champions League. Dutch midfielder Milan Mark Van Bommel has ruled out Monday any has slope with his former teammate Andres Iniesta after the quarrels between the two at the end of the world past, and has ensured that, if both play that Tuesday’s headlines, you foster the hand without any problem. We played the World Cup final. Das you hand, you know, and we try to win the game.

I have nothing against him, I know him from Barcelona, he has asserted the Dutch at the press conference prior to the game against his former team, Barcelona. However, questions about the confrontation with manchego is have been repeated throughout the Conference press in the Camp Nou, to despair of the player, who has repeated again and again that everything is forgotten, is normal, it is football. It is a bit strange – he has opined on the insistence of journalists Spanish-, because of this a year ago and now I’m in the Milan playing against Barcelona. Not may be comparing each party. I think that we are discussing too much, because I don’t think either that the Netherlands play to destroy. We have played many good games and we could have won that final. In rrencia to his rival, Van Bommel has rated favourite to Barca, since in the past five years they have won three times the Champions and they lost a semi-final to Inter. We will try to play in the best possible way, but we are a very strong team also.

September Celtic Glasgow

September 23, 2013


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UEFA prohibits validate the results of Group I, including the triumph of Atletico de Madrid on Thursday before the Scottish Assembly. Celtic was ranked of the Zion in the competition, excluded in the previous round. Group I consists of Rennes, Atletico, Celtic and Udinese. The Swiss Vaud cantonal court announced Friday that it prohibits UEFA to validate the results of the matches of Group I of the Europa League 2011/12? and therefore overrides his classification until implemented interim measures issued on 13 September. UEFA has already confirmed on the same day the exclusion of Swiss FC Sion participate in the Europa League, site occupied Glasgow Celtic. Atletico Madrid won 2-0 to Celtic on Thursday with goals from Falcao and Diego. According to the Ordinance of the cantonal Swiss Court that result would not have validity, he says FC Sion in his web. The Swiss Court insisted that this measure is immediately Executive.

Already at the time this Court ordered UEFA to admit to Zion as Member of the Europa League and appealed that the Agency reconsider the undue alignment of six players from the Zion. On 2 September Celtic Glasgow took the plaza of the Zion after UEFA accepted the claim of the Scottish club, which had been eliminated by the Swiss club in the preliminary round. Glasgow Celtic joined Rennes, Atletico de Madrid and Udinese in Group I of the Europa League. Source of the news: A Swiss Court demands that I will override the Celtic in the Europa League group