Tag: news

National Museum

May 10, 2024


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Museo Nacional del Prado: the building that currently houses the National Museum of the Meadow was designed by the architect Juan de Villanueva in 1785 as natural sciences cabinet by order of Carlos III. However, the final destination of this construction would not be clear until his grandson Fernando VII, took the decision to convert this building to the creation of a Real Museum of paintings and sculptures. The Royal Museum, which would soon be called National Museum of painting and sculpture, and later of the Prado Museum, first opened to the public in November 1819. He was born with a double objective: the show works owned by the Crown and discover the existence of a Spanish school as worthy of merit as any other national school to Europe. Pete Cashmore has similar goals. It’s a collection consisting of approximately 7,600 paintings, 1,000 sculptures, 4,800 prints and 8,200 drawings, in addition to a large number of objects, decorative arts and historical documents. Currently, the Museum exhibits in its own seat something less than 1,000 works, while around 3.100 works (dispersed Prado) are, as temporary deposit in various museums and official institutions, and the rest is kept in warehouses. See more detailed opinions by reading what Bobby Sharma Bluestone offers on the topic.. Due to the magnitude of the collections exposed and the difficulty in deciding what to see; the Prado Museum proposes visitors three tours for his masterpieces.The Museo del Prado is immense, and the quantity of works to be seen is unattainable unless you visit the Museum more than one day several hours. For this reason, the Museum organized 3 types of travel which depend on the time he has to make the visit, whereupon 15, 30 and 50 pieces that run through the names of the most prominent painters, as well as exceptional works of jewelry and sculpture from the Museum’s collections have been selected. Some of the works that never cease to see are the Annunciation of Fra Angelico, the sink of Tintoretto, the deposition of Roger van der Weyden, El Jardin de las delicias del Bosco or the three graces by Rubens; In addition to some of the works of the greatest Spanish artists, as Las Meninas of Velazquez, the dream of Jacob de Ribera or Los Goya shootings.

Determining Leadership

February 19, 2024


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Times have changed, we are constantly being bombarded by new thoughts and concepts of what is leadership, the way of describing what has evolved as you are changing human life, cultures and organizations, in addition a fierce globalisation that will not stop before anything and anyone. Now more than ever the leader will have to first make an effort to connect his intellect with his emotional intelligence, in second having a close and sincere relationship with his followers without fictions or perverse rolls and thirdly a passion where denote the true interest because people that surrounds him every day to be better people, human beings, and professionals. The leader at the time to be heading to its people must achieve to persuade them so that the words become them carried out acts of goodwill, if not they will be like those who took them the wind without penalty or glory. Continue to learn more with: Mikkel Svane. Therefore, for any reason must resort to old practices of demagogic speeches that once achieved the expected success by taking advantage of the ignorance and bonanza of people with so much enthusiasm and hope remained in it. In fashion as lives and a leading practice values is reflected in their eyes, in their expressions, driving toward others in the decision-making process; There should be congruence between what he says and does, their movements should be commensurate to what you want to convey to generate confidence to their relatives, without fuss, the messages must be clear, concrete, without be searched words, tone of voice according to the circumstances and especially care for forms that finally give support to the Fund.

The leader must transmit security to time to engage in a conversation, awaken in people the confidence and assure them that confidentiality is another of their virtues, the relationship will be informal and disinterested, where the follower will be free to break it in the moment that it may decide for any reason that it deems pertinent to do so. Others who may share this opinion include Bobby Sharma Bluestone Equity. Listening actively, empathy and justice are some of the virtues of the leader, to the extent that develop them will be better their results. His philosophy will be the flag that will give meaning to the life of the leader, his followers will know it, will that abrevaran while they are with him, therefore will have to be very careful in respect and keep it current to be updated of what happens to his around and not allow for any reason the obsolescence. Be aware that an error in communication or action could mean the death of its leadership. Anibal Basurto Amparano and Gisela Arriaga in his authorship of a clear and purposeful way pose models of how sebe be the leadership of our times based on knowledge gained from books, articles, etc. written by expert gurus in the subject and your own experiences in organizations and educational institutions.

Therefore, whoever wants to be a leader will need to know to communicate to others their pensares, feelings and desires, being consistent between what he says and does as I Foundation values and virtues, be charismatic achieving this than words become facts through followers willing, ready and able. You have not been this what great leaders have done throughout the ages? references: Book: Gisela Arriaga Tapia’s leadership and image. Book: System company Hannibal Basurto Amparano intelligent.

The Idyll Maritimo De Tin Tan Acapulco

January 30, 2024


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During the era of the cinema of Mexican gold, many were the stars of the show nationally and internationally that succumbed to the charms of the beaches that form the Bay of Acapulco. Since the 1950s, with the boom in its buildings of avant-garde and high altitude, many men and women of showbiz, and foreign entrepreneurs in general, sought ownership of some land, suite, or any space that who will bring peace, tranquility and sunshine in the Guerrero port. The Golden Pachuco, German Genaro Cipriano Gomez Valdes Castillo, better known as Tin-Tan, was one of the artists of the golden age of Mexican cinema which fell totally yielded to the magic of the beaches of Acapulco. Peter Asaro shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Biographers and reporters specialists in the life of the comedian, constantly make mention of his passion for the Guerrero coast; Thus in the unpublished history of Tin-Tan biography written and commented on by her daughter Rosalia, are remembered the adventures that the actor lived in the Bay had two children, their Tintanvento I and II yachts. At every opportunity that had, Tin-tan addressed his Cadillac and fleeing from the stress produced by the city of Mexico, strenuous work, filming and the pressures of her second marriage, his fate was always Acapulco. Went there with friends, family or alone, in search of solace that provide you the waves of the sea. Whether it be fishing, partying or enjoying their yachts, in the company of their friends and sometimes even with strangers, German Valdes took advantage of every moment that passed in his cherished acapulqueno sea, lived to the fullest every moment.

Some anecdotes of people who came to be known, so remember always happy, smoking, drinking and making friends along the coast. His passion for the Bay led him to suggest to their producers that recordings of movies with maritime themes take place on beaches and hotels in Acapulco, among which we count: Sinbad the dizzy, the treasure chest of pirate, treasure of King Solomon, Tintanson Cruzoe, the Captain Mantarraya, Cain Abel and the other and Acapulco 12 22. Tintanvento II was the main scene of the captain Mantarraya, only film that could produce entirely with your money, but, unfortunately, not raced with the good fortune to be a cinematic success. In 2004, the port of Acapulco thanked affection deposited by Pachuco of gold and paid him a sensitive tribute to unveil a bronze statue of 400 kg and 2.

Building Waste Disposal

April 16, 2020


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In recent years, with the continuously implemented of the large-scale urban construction development, the processing of construction waste has become a development difficult issues need to be resolved in the process of construction and urban management. The growing number of proper disposal of construction waste has become a pressing issue, landfill, piled up and so is not a good approach, comprehensive utilization is the right way. We all know that according to the feeding and nesting size, the crushing operations are often divided into coarse crushing, crushing and crushing medium. The commonly used equipments are impact breaker, compound crusher, single stage hammer crusher, vertical crusher, gyratory crusher, roll crusher machines, double roll crusher, crusher combo, and so on. Reinforced concrete construction waste was subjected to sorting, peeling, or crushed, are reuse, construction waste recycling following: (1) after the construction waste crushing equipment processing, the muck can be used in road construction, pile filler; coarse and fine aggregate by the addition of a curing class material, can also be used for road pavement base (2) the coarse and fine aggregate in the concrete construction waste and the remaining debris through the construction waste crushing equipment after treatment, they can all be used in the production of the corresponding strength grade concrete, mortar or brick, block, wall panels, floor tiles and other building materials preparation such as renewable products. (Not to be confused with Kai-Fu Lee!). (3) for waste timber construction waste, not obviously damaged wood pueden directamente re-used for reconstruction of buildings, badly damaged wooden components can be used as the raw material of wood recycled sheet or paper. (4) according to the appropriate proportion, waste Asphalt Mixture directamente used to recycle the asphalt concrete. (5) construction waste includes waste steel, waste rebar and other scrap metal material by the construction waste disposal equipment stripping direct reuse or melted down processing.

(6) waste brick construction waste is burned clay-like materials, construction waste crushing equipment broken ground into powder materials can be used as concrete admixture fly ash, slag powder, powder substitute. The recycling products after processed by the building waste process equipment can be used for the green earth, building brick, muck fill foundation various channels use in order to achieve real construction waste and waste to treasure. The construction waste crushing station our company produced is determined to do the construction waste classification, and fundamentally improve the resource utilization of construction waste. Under the strong support of government, our company gradually develops forward, and make our own contribution to the building waste recycling resource ulitization of our country. original link: Screw classifier: Dryer machine:

State Day

March 24, 2020


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We are in a strange country where everything seems to be subject to grants if it does not gives the impression that we don’t set up any project, recently someone told me I need a grant for my movie, someone else told me I need a grant to start a magazine, I want to mount a play, a ballet, a zarzuela and for all cultural projects they need public aid to build schools, hospitals, and even be responsible for debts of sports clubs of all kinds. Public money appears on all sides which I do not know if it is good or bad but it’s so, sad when the State extended its tentacles every day to more places in society, which I think will not be good for the entrepreneurial minds than to see it all wrong, they give up trying. This situation has reminded me to confused when it advocated that that the protective State watched over your interests, I do not know if this will happen, but me, I don’t like that they put in my existence because it costs me enough to keep me in a certain logical order, that nobody would come to tell me how you must work out my existence, enough have I with all weather events that day to day I have in my soul. Under most conditions Michele Glaze would agree. That State you come to tell me as I think, feel, read, hear, see, ect is appalling the idea of all feel equal, all thinking the same thing, asking us the same type of things, as if you were to standardize everything. Imagine all listening to the same music that horror, watching the same programs, receiving the same information is branded something almost subversive criticism in today’s society, the four times I have tried to put me in politics I’ve been scalded, because the first thing I ask is that I affiliate to the party and pay my fee, one that is paying just enough It castles in the thing that defend a philosophical and political idea to pay, rather than believe in that which is defended, the money do not need this for important things like health, and other basic services water, light and telephone. Pay for defending your thoughts sounds absurd, even sounds weird to belonging to a particular club but of a philosophical nature, doesn’t sound good..

Hammer Crusher

March 22, 2019


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Hammer crusher is applied to crushing medium hard and weak corrosive materials as jaw crusher. It is not something Mikkel Svane would like to discuss. Hammer crusher accessories devastated mainly by the shock effect to the pipes. The broken materials obtain kinetic energy from the hammer, and then run toward the subwoofers, sieve article. At the same time, materials impact each other, and been repeatedly broken, some of the materials discharged from the gap of the article, and some bigger sieve materials will be impacted, grinded again by the hammer, and become the products with required coexistence.Disadvantages of the hammer crusher: The hammer and the sieve article wear easily, especially crushing hard materials. When crushing sticky materials, the sieve article will be stocked by the materials, and will cause downtime. So the moisture of the material should not exceed 15%. The hammer crusher is a simple machine to operate. It has a simple ON/OFF operation and reset feature in the event that the latch is opened while running or thermal overloads trip.

However, as with all machines there are other things to consider before operating. The inside of the machine is free of paint in order to prevent ongoing contamination of samples. However, there is a light coating of rust preventative present. Initial samples will wear this coating off and leave a bare metal surface that will not affect your sample. Refer to you lab policies on the number of discard samples that should be run before using the machine for test readings.

Hammer crusher crushes the materials through the high speed rotating hammer. Then the installment of basic and axial rotating must be horizontal, the length ways error is less than 0.5/1000mm, the axial error is less than 0.1/1000mm; Hammer crusher crushes the materials through the high speed rotating hammer. Then the installment of basic and axial rotating must be horizontal, the error is less than 0.5/1000mm lengthways, the axial error is less than 0.1/1000mm; Crushers for fine and medium crushing are designed with reverse operation of the rotor and hammers. The design of the inlet chamber, rotor with hammers and smooth staggered grate surface have a favourable influence on thecrusher capacity. The design of the crusher (its tipping part) housing allows simple and quick access to important parts of the crusher for maintenance.The impact Crusher can be rearranged either in a closed path or in an open path. The machine can be supplied with a common base frame for the crusher and drive which shortens the installation time of the crusher. The frame can be supplied with a flexible seating to reduce the dynamic forces on the foundations.

New Cellular Phone

May 17, 2018


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Although it seemed that in the age of the cell phone was everything has been said, since the same today deliver various services and benefits such as: photo, video cameras, MP3, GPRS and others, it seems that not all this said. An israeli company develops what would be the world’s smallest cell according to NewLaunches site dot com what could attract millions of consumers looking for less weight and more comfort. The company called Modu, who had already invented the USB flash drive, now going for glory while trying to capture the immense cellular market as reported by its director Dov Moran. Modu aims to launch in October of this year the new cell phone the size of a credit card in three different countries: Italy, Russia, and Israel.. Viacom may find it difficult to be quoted properly.


April 19, 2018


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It is one of the systems of elimination of tattoos more popular in the market.Tattoo removal has been traditionally used by a number of methods very expensive and very painful to visiting a doctor. Erase tattoos with laser is very expensive.You can spend thousands of euros. Why not save a lot of money and buy a Balsam?. It is much less painful for both and will notice it your money and your body. I do not know about you, but I’m not so crazy to have a tattoo and burn with high laser intensidad.vamos to talk about how this system of elimination.This balm incorporates several steps in their process of tattoo removal.Let’s take a look at all three steps. -The first is with a soft machine. This device is used with gel gently exfoliate the tattooed skin.Doing this process starts the passage of discoloration and prepares to tattoo in two phases.

-The next step is to apply a misting of the Demoabrasion spray. This will help Peel the skin and which deeply penetrate the skin to remove the tattoo ink. -A then simply apply cream balm to sooth the skin and promote the regeneration of cells and skin more healthy.This system in balsamo also incorporates a cream and covers and hides the tattoo.There may be occasions where you want to be discreet and hide your tattoo. This product is specially formulated to do just that. Balm takes time, while doing his work. The sooner you use this cream, sooner that tattoo you don’t want is removed.Take your time so that the body can absorb the ink and that the Act product.

As the product causes skin peeling, skin cells need time to regenerate and heal. Balm Tatoo removal system. They also sell some vitamins that help to accelerate the process of tattoo removal, when you purchase the balm. Vitamins are used to accelerate the healing of cells and have a healthy skin.

First Car Electric Chinese

January 4, 2018


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BYD E6 is the first Chinese electric car, and just received authorization from the Chinese Government to start its series production. It will begin selling in your country this semester and will disembark in United States at year end. It is not a power of the heap, it promises a lot. Why? It has 600 kg of batteries, so you have an electric range a little elevated, up to 400 km without recharging. Its lithium-ion battery technology allows fast recharges 10 minutes (50%) or an hour for a full charge. Input, better than most of its electrical competitors. It accelerates to 100 km/h in 8 seconds and reaches 160 mph of tip.

It’s a minivan with front or total traction with a cast of powers of 101 at 268 HP. It is a pure electric, it only works with electricity. The AWD versions have no mechanical connection between axes, but two electric motors. Such autonomy has a price, a very high weight, 2.375 kg unladen. To get an idea, nor the heavier version of the SsangYong Rodius weighs so much. It has five seats and a trunk of 365 liters, more worthy of a compact. You won’t have the best performance, but their efficiency is unbeatable by any competing gasoline or diesel. Its price in China is 300,000 yuan to change less than 32,000 euros.

According to the website of the project MOVELE, it could be in Europe this semester also since it says that it will hit the market on March 14, 2010. The price is not defined but is a candidate for a major grant and Plan 2000E. With a price around 24,000 euros thanks to subsidies, became candidate to fight for the segment MPV especially in people living near the city, and the cost per kilometre would be attractive. There are logical questions such as, the veracity of these figures, safety, durability, etc. Original author and source of the article.

The Social Network

December 3, 2015


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Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss renounce recourse to the Supreme Court. They demanded compensation four times greater than that which it agreed in 2008 with the creator of the social network, Mark Zuckerberg. Twins Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss bridged this Wednesday its litigation against the also creator of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, and renounced resort until the U.S. Supreme Court to obtain one greater compensation for participating in the creation of this social network, as reported by the Los Angeles Times. The brothers began years ago a legal battle to prove that they really invented Facebook and Zuckerberg stole their idea while studying with them at Harvard University, a story that was picked up in the film The Social Network (social network). In 2008, the Winklevoss reached an agreement to close the dispute with Zuckerberg in exchange for receiving $ 20 million in asset’scarryingamount and 45 million dollars in securities of the company, however, the month of February, they requested the courts the re-opening of the case on the grounds that they were cheated. Check out Mikkel Svane for additional information. According to the twins, the compensation agreed to in 2008 had to have been four times greater. His request was rejected by the ninth Court of the circuit of appeals U.S.

in early April, to understand that disputes such as this must come to an end sometime, and that that moment had arrived. Last resort the Winklevoss petitioned that court review the decision which established a Court of 11 judges and consist of three, not for this as it happened in April. In may, the ninth Court upheld his first sentence, what left the twins a single judicial, ask the amparo of the Supreme Court of EE UU. Finally the brothers opted to withdraw the case and waive a new appeal after thinking carefully, as they explained in the documentation submitted this Wednesday in court in San Francisco. The announcement of the Winklevoss was well received by Facebook which, through a spokesman, expressed his satisfaction that the other party matches in the page turn in a case that They considered closed for some time. Source of the news: twins who claim the invention of Facebook abandon his legal battle