Technology in Schools

June 21, 2016


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The advance of the globalization and the perfectioning of the technological systems print a page of questionings on what to learn first and which the adequacy to be made to the traditional contents and the current technology in express expansion in the world. The use of the technology, nowadays, is primordial and a trip without return, therefore, the educational process, in all its glory and importance in the formation of the modern citizen, cannot be of is, and the schools are or would have to be, the main focus of the concrete application of this improvement, therefore from there, all the remaining portion possibly follows in dynamic format and the social one is who earns in the end. Today, the educational technology is a landmark and a tool necessary to extend the quality of the education process and learning, being placed the school as main agent of social and digital inclusion in the half socioeconmico of our country. This call digital inclusion, so important for formation of the students of basic education, is a tool that it does not have the intention to substitute the curricular program of base of the school, but to promote the preparation of these students for a future where the machine language if makes to complement in the process of development of the nations, as much in the work of each day, as well as also in science and technology. Soon, the digital technology inside of the pertaining to school units has the property to extend the interaction and the creativity between its pupils, being innovated concepts and promoting one of the classic characteristics of the human being that is the different, modern curiosity for and the innovative one, stimulating it to search it more, in short space of time of more complete and detailed form. However, the application of the technology in the school, reserves the institution, the promotion of innovative criteria of methodologies of new education and process of classification and evaluation of pupils on the basis of its individual and personalized productions, without losing the focus in the educative process as a whole, focus this that will contribute for the development of necessary educational abilities of the pupil, legalizing its continuity in the posterior stage, inside of a partnership and qualified, mature accompaniment pedagogical, brought up to date, formed well and consistent (IT HISSES, M.F., 2012).