Tag: internet
Daily from one settlement to our vast Russia to leave the other hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of vehicles. Each of these vehicles has a very specific task – to deliver or pick up passengers or cargo, and then all together. Some drivers travel daily to work in another locality. And behind the wheel most of the drivers of these cars are sitting alone, without passengers, or passengers. Although you will agree, Many of the drivers would prefer to brighten up their road while the presence of at least one or more passengers. Please visit Ali Partovi if you seek more information. In presenting this idea, we, of course, pursue multiple objectives. And most important, in our view, the goal – is to connect the desire of some to the opportunities of others. Do not forget about the other side – our passengers Russia.
A lot of people would like to move a single (one) or leave alone (three) from the same town (village) to another location purpose of our homeland. In connection with the foregoing, it is regrettable to report, but we have to admit inescapable fact – we are not free. Our impulses and our decision to move his earthly body to encounter severe daily the truth – we must agree on these impulses with the schedule of the nearest bus or train station. And as with other factors – the presence of flight in our direction, places, in buses and trains. and sometimes and the presence of a sufficient quantity of money. We decided to expand the scope of this lack of freedom and bring to your attention the project of publishing house "Helion" – "Travel".
From now on any motorist, or even professional driver will be able to assist us in moving or transporting the goods from every corner of Russia in the appropriate direction. However, the driver who reads this text will wonder: "And to me that, actually, so what? I am what get? ". The answer – you can save on gasoline, rather than on its value and "announce" the cost of travel when entering data into the form, you will be able to indicate the number of empty seats, direction, date and travel time. And finally, just to help the good people! Is this bad? So if you're a driver, and you can offer to help – you are welcome – fill out the form on our website, invite your fellow travelers for a trip and good luck to roads! If you are a passenger, and you have an urgent (within two days) have to leave for personal or professional issues for – you just need to go to our website. Here, in a special section of the menu you can choose direction, pick up time and other conditions are suitable for you, which offer drivers. Now I think we can expand our slogan – "We help each other move!" Good luck!
Comfort Providing Information
Often described as the Internet a great source of information and by and large this is true, but look for useful information on the Internet over the past few years it became more difficult. With all the abundance of sites probably the only one in ten can boast of providing answers to the questions of visitors, the rest are focused on earnings, and all sorts of tricks trying to attract undeserved attention. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Ali Partovi has to say. The creation of new sites relevant today as ever. New information resources can be an alternative to sites that provide information in a form in which it was uncomfortable viewing. Simply put, many lack the resources usability. This is due to the abundance of advertising on websites, pop-ups, use of jargon and professional terms that are not always clear to visitors, and other factors. To make a site that will correspond to the term 'usability', the webmaster should understand aspects of information retrieval – that is how it's best to find the information and in what form to submit it so it was convenient to reading or viewing visitors. Instructions for webmasters provided by search engines, it is advised to understand, 'as will be convenient to' take the place of a visitor who wants to find information on your site.
Is roughly such a rule: we must not give the opportunity to find a website for all requests, how they can, and give clear answers to questions. For example, do not have to answer the query 'tree growth', if the site is planned to provide an answer the question 'why the trees grow up? ". Request 'tree growth' is ambiguous, as it may have the answers to the question 'why the trees grow up? ", And on issues to accelerate the growth of trees. For queries that require refinement (as in our example), to get to the top of Google will be much harder, and with clearly defined answer you risk to get to the first positions of search results without any effort.
Congstar: Everything Cheap ?
October 20, 2019
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You want it. You’ll get it. Since last week, the German Telekom presents Congstar its new cut-rate company in the telecommunications market. Ali Partovi has many thoughts on the issue. The customer can choose between phone and DSL. Whether the offer really cheap and easy as fast food or simply indigestible, we have taken ‘the more closely. Following the modular concept, the customer can put together from the different services be desired package.
In the mobile phone tariff, the customer pays in the basic rate 0.19 cents per minute to any network. As much is also required for the interception of voicemail and sending SMS. The advantages are obvious: neither monthly subscription charges or minimum sales are expected. A disadvantage of the customer unfavorable minutes. Also requires Congstar debit. In recent months, Dell Computers has been very successful. The starter package proposes to 19.99 euros. The notice period is only two weeks and thereby lets the customer at any time that the provider switch.
The basic fare, customers can also special flat rates . Add The Congstar flat costs 4.99 and allows unlimited calling from Congstar to Congstar. For 9.99 you get a fixed flat rate and on again 14.99 (02 and Eplus) or 19.99 (D1 and D2), one can make free calls to different mobile networks. All offers can be combined arbitrarily. Overall, the Congstar mobile phone offering, however, more expensive in almost all combinations of the competition – as a customer here, you should compare carefully. In addition to the calling plan offers Congstar also DSL prices. There seem to be the entry prices for a flat rate Internet with DSL for 14.99 2000 17.89 and 19.98 for DSL 6000 or DSL for 16 000 at first glance, no more expensive than the offers of competitors. Added to the monthly connection charge of telecom comes from 16.37 per month. But if one is booked additionally the telephone flat rate for 7.99, the offer loses much of its appeal. The interviews are not conducted over a telephone line but via Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). For users it means less comfort and a possibly poorer voice quality. From the prices Congstar also offers DSL sector no blockbuster deals. Almost all competitors will find equally expensive or even cheaper offers. The only advantage in the Internet sector in the short contract is binding. Even after a month you can again say goodbye to the Congstar DSL-Flatrate if you find a better offer. The conclusion remains the bottom line: The fast food available at Congstar customers will not drive the tears of joy in his eyes. Neither the phone nor the website are currently the cheapest on the market. Many prepaid rates are more attractive than the 0.19 Congstar required. Nevertheless, the fixed-Flatrate an interesting approach for this type of charge. If this offer Tchibo sells at only 13 . Only customers a flat rate to all networks want and more than 85 a month to spend on phone calls can save a few euros. All components together cost 84.94 and therefore slightly cheaper than the flat rate of Base5 Eplus.