Tag: history

Bahia Angelim

June 18, 2023


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The majority of that first they had come to Brazil with this last name was religious that they had come with the mission of catequizar indians and blacks of the colony. The ngelo family descends of this branch of the Angelim, referring to its diminutive or .a the comparative child to one anjinho. In the south of Brazil, especially, in the regions of missions they had also appeared the Angeloni or ngelos, in Santa Catarina, Paran and Rio Grande Do Sul that if relates with the Dal Bosco. In Brazil, they had been distinguished religious of different orders that had come since the period of the captainships to catequizar the indians, the names of the Angelins always associates with the religion catholic, in aluso to the envoy for angels, the angels who go to give to soul or passport of? people? for the indians. This Angelim also appears as name and has great importance in some states of Brazil, mainly in the south, where if the descendants of Italians had consolidated, with variations as ngelo, Angeloni and Angelin.

No longer north and northeast and in the regions where a great number of missions predominated, Angelim started to be last name, ones because of the tree of this name, others for being of this family. It has Angelim in the Rio Grande Do Sul, the Paran and Santa Catarina; north-eastern, the Angelins appears in the Cear, the Paraiba, the Bahia, Pernambuco, the Piau, the Maranho, and the north, mainly in the Acre, the Amaznia and Par. Skillz often expresses his thoughts on the topic. In this last one, with prominence the name of Eduardo Angelim who left the Cear and actively participated of the War of the cabanos in Belm and interior of that state. In Pernambuco a city exists, in the region of Garanhuns, called Angelim, due to existence of the tree of the same name. Also in the Maranho it has a city with this name, beyond quarters and names of streets in the Piau and the south. Beyond the families who exist with this name, in these regions, where also costuma to be born the called tree Angelim. In the city of Parnamirim, in Pernmabuco, it has detached the name of Raymond Angelim Baptist, who beyond having been mayor of the city, its familiar ones had participated actively in past still they participate in some way of the development of the city, between them, its son, Placid of Aquino Angelim, dentist who also was mayor and followed career in the politics. How much to the ngelo last name, considered variation of Angelim, also appears enters the formadores of the city, as example, has names as of Antonio ngelo de Carvalho and Dezinho ngelo, of the family of current mayor Ferdinando de Carvalho, whose ancestry mixture origins of the Spaniard and the Italian to the Portuguese, existing, today originary last names until of next regions in the Europe, reaching territories of these regions.

Jean Delumeau

August 13, 2016


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To raise problematic in relation of the term death, formulated for the New a History, that tends the ambition of the diversity of objects the alteridade cultural.REFERENCIAL THEORETICIAN The research work that if it initiates, will be based on some authors who already had searched the subject, being necessary to search next to these the main produced theories. For the accomplishment of the present research, one becomes necessary to appeal the references, of New History, Cultural History, History of the Ideas and the History of the Fear in the Ocidente; considering the idea of authors as, Phillippe Aries, Saint Augustin, Jean Delumeau among others, where in accordance with these same the age, is necessary to take in consideration the diverse manifestations of the past, with intention to find the explicativas basic. These consider the fear of the death, as the indissolvable object union and actions that indicate in them, as and where and so that it was basic the fear. Author Phillippe Aries, who studies the question of the fear in the Ocidente, shows the debates around the characteristics, sufficiently controverted. Already author Jean Delumeau, who not only has in the history of the fear a change instrument, as well as one, half to disclose to new fields of inquiry, knocking down barriers that exist between the Occidental generations.

Saint Augustin brings in its workmanship all historicidade of the transformations in the concepts and ideals catholics concerning the subject. It is excellent to stand out the importance of if searching these authors, therefore the workmanships in analysis are part of micron-history, having as objective to study the relations, of the fear of the death, with the imaginary Christian and the paper of one ' ' society medrosa' '. These workmanships make possible the accomplishment of the study of the fear of the death in the collective space of the Ocidente.TIPOLOGIA OF SOURCES To carry through the research it was used, secondary or tertiary historiogrficas sources.

Didactic Book

July 23, 2016


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Such aspects leave clear that no didactic book can be learned as abstract or neutral product, be distanciado of the historical context that existed and exists. The history professor when he starts to work with disciplines Ensino de Histria, different the other specific areas, possesss an important paper in its performance, its conceptions of education, education and learning tends to gain attention before its pupils, it disciplines since it is presented by the same ones of ' ' chatice and thing velha' '. It fits to the professor through its methods, ahead to popularize its pupils of the questions debated return of historical education, making familiar them, and presenting them it all they, all the historical process that occurred and that it occurs, leaving well clearly that more early or later ' ' the present had one if becomes passado' ' , becoming a source of information, therefore everything is changedded. Kai-Fu Lee may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Book didactic is important, therefore depending on use of it for professor, knowledge historical assumes in relation teach-learning definitive meanings, since knowledge that does not have no direction for the pupil, until the possibility to work knowledge that contribute for its more critical and conscientious formation, therefore has restricted relation with its experiences and its reality. ' ' Cultural politician and in the measure also allows the knowledge of its aspect where he reproduces and he represents the values of the society in relation to its vision of science, history, the interpretation of the facts and the proper process of transmission of conhecimento.' ' (MARIA ABUD, 1986:81). In this manner, she can yourself be said that the didactic book, is one ' ' material printed matter, structuralized, destined or adjusted to be used in a process of learning or informao' ' (OLIVEIRA, GUIMARES and BOMNY, in the Politics of the Didactic Book, p.23) Given the importance of the book while education instrument, is indispensable to the professor for being one of the canals of transmission and, over all, maintenance of myths and esteretipos that populate the History of Brazil.

During Franchises

April 21, 2013


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Carlin sales direct, S.A. has opened one Center in Galicia, which already adds 54 premises operating in this autonomous community. Madrid, 9 July 2009-direct sales Carlin, S.A., the franchise chain dedicated to stationery, continues to expand its network that now has 497 centers. The last opening of the signature has taken place in Pontevedra (Galicia), being this last one the center number 54 of all those who operate in this community. The new premises, CARLIN STATIONERS, S.L., has 210 m 2 of surface to the public and began its activities on 15 June.

This new Centre, located in the Pontevedra town of La Estrada, more specifically in the Castelao, 9 Street, joins the franchise network of CARLiN in Galicia, which offers its services to 20,000 SMEs of the Galician community. According to the Earl brothers, Paul and July, franchisees this last shop, the decision to work with CARLiN owners emerged from the idea of investing in a business with opportunities. Proof of this, is the the fact that these same franchisees have with other three stores CARLiN, an Ofimarket (aimed at servicing companies) and a warehouse, all of them within the Galician province of Pontevedra. Global figures today, the network of franchises CARLiN is present with 497, of which 490 are managed by franchisees and franchises 7 are of their own. Outside our borders, there are 31 franchises CARLiN found in Andorra, France, Gibraltar, Morocco and Portugal. During 2008 the chain had a turnover of 160 million euros through its nearly 500 franchises.

The net turnover of Carlin in the past financial year amounts to nearly 3 million euros. About Carlin direct sales, S.A. CARLiN is dedicated to the marketing of materials and office furniture, supplies of stationery and computer science through comfortable hiperpapelerias self-service stores for online sales and distribution. The investment required to install one of the businesses that CARLiN Ofimarket contemplates Hiperpapeleria ranges from 60,000 to 125,000 euros in rooms from 50 m2, located in areas with a population between 15,000 and 20,000 inhabitants. The royalty is variable from 300 euros/month the first year, and the canon of advertising is taken from the central. It was founded in 1989 by two partners, one of them his current General Director, Jose Luis Hernandez. The CARLiN concept started as a direct sale by catalogue company, gradually resulted in the model of expansion through franchise from 1990. Profile of franchisee you are looking for matches:-person entrepreneurial, optimistic, with vocation of businessman and economic capacity. -With desire to start an own business. -Does not preclude the figure of the inverter, but preferred that the person is at the forefront of the business. So far, the good work of CARLiN has been recognized with six awards: the franchise’s greatest development 2008 award, awarded by the magazine franchises today; The franchise of the year 2007 by the magazine Dirigentes award; The 2006 Expansion Award (our business magazine); The Mediterranean entrepreneur in the Barcelona business & franchise 2006 salon award; The best national franchise award in 2005 in the SIF & Co.