Target Definition In The Body Building

January 13, 2024


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Which methods you properly phrase your goals and reach In life you need always targets, hence during the training. Continue to learn more with: Pete Cashmore. You should set your goals but not too high and unrealistic! You put goals that you can reach any time soon. The objectives should be optimal way according to the recognized SMART method can be used: S PEZIFISCH precise definition of your objectives M edible objectives must be measurable A KZEPTIERT you have to your goals accept (in our case, it is clear) R EALISTISCH achievable goals set T miner ERBAR deadline when the goal should be reached this method comes from the project management and can be used in General, if objectives are to be defined. You can use the SMART method not only for your training, but in all walks of life. He accepted”aspect of this method can be omitted here. Who will use if is defined as a target for a whole team and all behind it must be, then the goal must of course be accepted by all. The following example of a target which meet the SMART requirements, This metaphor: the biceps circumference should be in the tense condition in 3 months 44 cm.

The goal would be defined thus precise enough, it is measuring – and terminierbar. If you currently have 43 cm, then the even then rather wouldn’t yet realistic, if you have 38 cm! And the aspect that this goal is specific, the fact that you have specifically created this for you. If we use a little psychology, you should also always positively formulate your objective: ‘My biceps circumference shall be in the tense condition in 3 months 44 cm’ as you can see, there is no question in this statement or contain uncertainty. How would it sound if I formulate the goal as: “My biceps circumference should be in the tense condition in 3 months 44 cm” there resonates very much uncertainty. In the first definition of the objectives, a clear statement is included, which allows even no different result. Thus, that is so stored in your subconscious mind. You should read your goals therefore daily aloud. This will happen you perhaps strange at the beginning, but over time its quite normal for you.

Also you should ensure that your objectives include no negations. “I take to not 10 kg in 3 months” understands the human brain, namely no negations. If someone you say you’ll do it anyway “don’t think now of a yellow car”. Therefore, one should rather say “Think now on a red car,” if he wants to accomplish, you don’t think of a yellow car. And therefore would be to above poorly formulated target result following better phrase: “I will maintain my current weight in 3 months” If you follow this advice, not hard you get it successfully maintain muscle! Rudolf heavy hammer