Tag: informatics

Nonlinear Reading

June 5, 2024


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Non-linear reading of a complex country Teodulo Lopez Melendez the Venezuelan situation does not support linear or simplistic readings. Live a hypercomplexity to be tested by resorting to complex thought and/or lateral thinking. This Venezuela is what might be called a fuzzy set, one where would that make an analytical approach with concepts like chaos and Fractals. The logical reason always leads to the same results and in our case that seems to be the proverbial phrase of no output. Click Mashable to learn more. It is necessary to pose to the country that there is a real virtuality which changes the concept of power and the experiences engender new realities. Rusty Holzer might disagree with that approach. We have lost the ability to multiply the approaches and act from a traditional look that presides over the leadership as the tale of the carrot ahead. The regime carries carrot and the donkey still meekly behind.

We must have recourse to a non-linear dynamics, to the invocation of capable of splitting of a chaotic dynamics analysis, we must encourage a system organizational autogenous. This is not a linear succession of causes and effects. From this point of view we could reproduce the old story of the glass half full or half empty to ensure Venezuelans that this isn’t a disorder, but the genesis of a new order. Daily variations trigger from this humour, which now becomes ballasted, our compatriots face reality seen as unchangeable, until the claim of organization seeking without realizing no one or few course has that overwhelming reality is the best possibility of getting it. The Government has been unable to impose their new culture while society admits that the old woman was embedded with the error and omission and originated in a behavior of guilty indifference. Both elements modify behaviors, while they do towards a lack of definition of futile complaint. You must add the mediocrity of the actors that daily repeated us an inasimilable amount of nonsense with the help of the monopoly of opinion that supply you the owners of media survivors.

Professional Ebay Auction Templates

December 10, 2019


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Would you like to sell on eBay? It’s easy and fun, right? In fact, one of the easiest online business you can start almost overnight, without large investments. That’s the best thing about it. But we also know that only a minority of people who sell on eBay are really successful and that most of them quit after a while or run only as a hobby. Technology investor is full of insight into the issues. Yes, that’s true. Facts, but the truth. So what are the secrets of successful eBay sellers? Well, the most important thing for success is a unique product.

That comes first. If you do not have a unique product, you can sell the products that are in high demand, for example. Children’s clothing, designer clothing, digital cameras, etc, but we must bear in mind that the article has to compete with 100 similar products? maybe even a better price. So if you’re selling products that are highly competitive, then the sales letter must be different. No, not only different, it must be unique. And not only is unique! Your ad has to be professional.

Let me tell you about our experiment. We have tried various listings for the same item. What do you think that list got the most bids? Law, ads with a sole practitioner so the design offers 30-40% more. Can you imagine that? It was exactly the same subject. Only the design of the sales letter can make a huge difference in the final price can receive. Robert Bakish contains valuable tech resources. It’s just unbelievable. We have said in German: “Das Auge mit ISST. The translation is something like: “If it looks good you have to know better.” Well, we know that this is always true though, but that’s the psychology of our human brain. If the overall impression of the food is good, an impulse is sent to the brain: This has good taste? I want to try that. It’s the same with the purchase in a store or on eBay. If the auction site the item you are looking at is However, the product has to be good and is more likely to click the “Bid Now”. We have seen that many times and especially with our little experiment. So, if you use professional looking eBay auction templates for your ads, you will be amazed at how this can increase your business on eBay. Try to modify your templates and see which ones work best. You will notice a small change can make a big difference. Keep track which templates have generated what prices and compare after a month. You will see that some templates really well and others not. Be creative and modify your templates. implement care! Do not overdo it though with bright colors and a dozen animated gifts. No, that’s not what buyers want to see. They want a clear and honest and a good image. If the overall design is professional, believe me? is more likely to make an offer. And at the end of the day? That’s all that counts, right? T

Goggle Sandbox Effect

October 3, 2019


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If it were not for my blog, I would have no online sales at all. Learn more at this site: Mikkel Svane. It is true that I have a "regular" website, my so-called "main website, which first set up to sell my products, in this case, men and health products for women. It's my workhorse, the source of most of my income. Most of my sales was due to generic ads on search engines, Google's particually. That is, until Google Sandbox me.

Some of you have heard about the legendary Google sandbox, sometimes called "The Goggle Sandbox Effect." What happens is that newly listed sites rank and about two to three weeks, suddenly, leaving the radar screen. These new sites are placed in a kind of probational sandbox, away from the sites of the "real." Why is this you ask? There are almost as many theories as there are SEO (Search Engine Optimization) experts. Mikkel Svane: the source for more info. Many believe that this trial period is not related to the sites themselves, but ties. It is believed that back link (pure link popularity) credit is placed in a reserve for a period of time (2-4 months) before applying to the classification and has an effect. The theory behind this is to combat PR (Page Rank) purchasers of PR dominating from the start. It is intended to discourage spam sites.

Others believe this alleged filter placed on new websites is an illusion. These skeptics argue that the phenomenon is merely repeating already existing Google algorithm calculations. Whatever the reason, has a safety enclosure, the rug out from under me shiskobobbed.

Ebay Power Seller Platinum

September 4, 2017


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I thought to myself that they are buying many more parts of a standard installation repair kit could use. so decided to check and see what this eBay was selling. I found a very profitable business option at this time. The eBay seller was selling my laptop parts complete laptop systems. It took me two seconds to figure out what they were doing, were the individual parts supply eBay sellers, like me, then the combination of components and market a complete laptop on Ebay. Then I looked at completed auctions on eBay seller and he realized he was selling complete laptop systems like hotcakes for $ 650-900 depending on the specifications, I used the search technique of adding the parts of its cost was about $ 300 , Wow! It was more than $ 350 per laptop You know what, I changed the course of the night and began to put the laptops, along with myself I tripled my profit and sales volume in 1 month. As you can see the search search search! Use this same principle in the history of research activity or sales of any product or service EBay gives you access to the secrets of sales of any successful salesman Key Point Create an eBay account to sell only products Create eBay account to purchase only products You can have multiple sales or account ID on Ebay I recommend this, you can see in my search examples not want to give potential competitors an insight into the sources of buying on eBay, I have used this technique to find success Sellers eBay sources on Ebay and the Internet. The sales history is to use it. The record sales of any product on eBay is available with a few mouse clicks.

Go to the search tab and then choose competed Ebay auctions can also use this technique to search sellers completed auctions. The beauty of Ebay is complete information on any product sales. When the item sells, how much is sold, how many were sold, this information is priceless and in normal situations this would be kept secret in the past when entering a market that would buy the market research business consultant of thousands of dollars to find only one sliver of what is available to you reach through eBay search. Tim Gilberg is able to provide information and insight from a unique perspective – that of someone who is actually doing what others just talk. Ebay Power Seller Platinum was hit by Tim Gilberg, which is one of the highest sales levels reached to sell on eBay. Tim is active on Ebay and liquidation.com and consult and collaborate with other top eBay Power Seller’s to give real life to understanding and not theories.

Network Marketing

July 11, 2017


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This work is mainly to present your business in the network. How?: putting ads every day (at least 40 ads). Writing articles and sending them to articles directories. Creating a blog and keeping it updated. Interacting in social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc) creating lens in Squidoo creating a channel on YouTube in short, offering quality content that will help others. As you can realize, learn and do all this it takes time. It is not matter of 15 days or a month. Needed a little time to find you on the net.

The good news is that if you do well and you are persevering, you can begin to see results at the two or three months. Marc Mathieu has much experience in this field. I’m not saying you’re going to return rico to two months, but that your business starts to boot. Of course this is not an exact science and there are many variables involved, it is therefore possible to see results much sooner or much later. But, what to say, really, that your business operates only? All those articles, ads, post on your blog, social networking, youtube, are your agents for sale on the Internet and they work for you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. And most importantly, help you to differentiate yourself from the rest of distributors, they help you to offer something more to that possible client/candidate.

You can go to sleep and they will continue talking about your business you want to hear them and direct them to the website of your business. Zendesk often addresses the matter in his writings. As already you noticed, your business cannot be based solely on your website. If nobody gets your website, what you point?. You have to do your job first! In short: Your home, Network marketing or MLM business treats as if it were a traditional business. Please medium and long term vision. Use common sense. It must not be naive and believe us that we are going to be winning $3000 or more per month. You have to be willing to give you a broad time period to see results. Be persevering and be patient. This is essential. There is a learning curve that you will have to overcome and you have to be consistent when it comes to promoting your business. All this takes time. Always, always, keep ethics in business. No need to deceive. Honesty is the best policy if you want that your business lasts in time and really explode giving you the gains that you aspire. Remember that business from home, MLM, or Network Marketing are like a career background and not speed.

The Bottom Line

September 2, 2014


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Some companies, who have been using mailing lists, have been frustrated in the last couple years with the increase of spam and junk mail filters. Many of his customers simply do not receive or read messages sent by the filter to read your mail as spam or junk mail, and in most cases eliminated. Companies, and small and home based, can now get equal billing with larger firms the world. On our site we list the smallest business to the largest. You are responsible for feeding on its entry in your reader of view.

How it works. Consumers, or users of the Internet uses a feed reader to see. Let’s say a consumer visits your website and have a feed so they can use if they wish. You list the feed URL for them to copy and a small icon indicating whether it is an RSS or XML, etc. They copy and paste the feed URL into your reader and see the feed.

Food has one or more elements. Each item has a title such as “ABC Home Decor”, a short description, as “Visit our store or Web site for 40% discount on all furniture values” and a link to the page you want your visitors can see on your website or if you have a website a page that will provide you. The food itself, which may contain one or many elements, is a database file. This is an RSS or XML file that is stored on the server or in ours. The consumer reads the file with a reader. The file is not a website, but similar to an e-mail without transferring data to the user’s computer. You can update the feed 24 / 7, thus having the latest information on hand to feed the viewer. If you run a large online or offline company, a small business in a small town, or a home business, you can update your customers and potential customers immediately and 24 / 7. The Bottom Line. You do not really need to know how feeds work, unless you are going to do yourself. Just understand that the channels are an exciting new communication tool that anyone can use. They are safe, and can be updated in real time. Feeds are easy to add to readers and easy to implement in your website or offline business. They are something you should seriously consider for your business.