Month: June 2013
It has just been presented the annual report on the development of the information society 2010 eEspana, created by the Orange Foundation. As meaningful data, the report shows that the Spanish Internet users are big users of social networks. In particular, Spain is situated above the European average in this aspect, mainly with Internet users under the age of 40, still Facebook and Tuentu which agutinan the greatest number of users. According to data from the report, Tuenti users, more young people make more frequent than the Facebook use. In the section on peer to peer, which are used to share information between two or more users on the network, the report indicates that since these networks have fostered the exchange of subject to copyright files many criticisms have originated.
Data concerning this topic have SCADA of another study on the same matter prepared by the consulting firm NPD Group. In regional terms, Madrid is the best region on the so-called index convergence of the information society (ICSI), ahead of Catalonia, Aragon and Asturias. The crisis has re-opened the distances between less developed regions and the leader, the report says. Recent convergence posts are occupied by the Canary Islands, Extremadura, Castillas – La Mancha and Murcia. You can download the full report by clicking here. Should also be noted, that the majority of Spanish users are daily connect to Peer to Peer networks. Being a 36% statistic every day, 32 percent on weekends, 22% occasionally and 10% at specific times.
Computer Desks
It is usually assumed that each user corporate network spends at least 80 working hours per year (10 working days, 2 weeks) on the self-study and on maintenance of the computer. But practice shows that this figure can easily increase a half to two times. Calculation of "indirect" costs of maintaining it infrastructure – a rather complicated thing. In order to take part tco methodology to take into account all of the above items, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive audit of the enterprise information system. What should I look for in the first place? To audit the it infrastructure (detailed analysis) identifying with the bottlenecks (lack of reliability, availability or poor performance of certain components of the system, lack of backup, antivirus protection, corporate security systems information, etc.) Analyze all failures and delays that have occurred in the network for the selected period, focusing their attention to both the causes that led to the shutdown, and on actions to eliminate it. If the shutdown was planned (Routine maintenance, upgrade, etc.) – should determine whether the data reported in the pre-agreed plan, whether completed on time. If your organization has a centralized computer support services (Help Desk, or Service Desk) – to analyze the speed of the application for maintenance work and to find out the reasons for the delay in their execution. Generally speaking, the central office computer support should operate in international standards (ITIL and / or CobIT). Proper organization of such a service – key to high performance.
Network Marketing
June 30, 2013
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To this day, social networks occupy a very important place, and they have become source of business both for companies, artists, brands, etc., but above all, have become places of meeting for people. In addition social networks grow very quickly thanks to the viral marketing, i.e., I invite you to my friends who invite their friends who invite their friends, etc., and provide a means of direct contact with all those who are interested in a particular topic. It is also known that day today, social networks play an important role as a tool of marketing via the Internet. There are many social networks, several of which cover very specific interests. No one doubts the importance of Facebook, Twitter, Google and LinkedIn.
Speaking for example of Facebook, it must be said that you together with Google, is among the first generation of traffic through Internet sources, in even in some moments Facebook has surpassed Google. Commented above, sometimes I meet people who continuously send messages on social networks in which promote any product, or the great opportunity that assumes the company they represent. The problem that arises is that often these messages are considered spam messages. The solution to this problem, i.e. that your messages are not seen as spam messages, even if you’re promoting something in them, is to use the strategy that I will comment on below. The 80/20 strategy is called. If you use this strategy, then 80% of the occasions in which you send a message to social networks, it must belong to one of the following categories:-inspiring message. -Message of educational type, which try to bring content and knowledge to those who follow you.
-Message with which you try to socialize. -Message that comes from other people and that you found interesting the to share it with people who follow you. On the other hand, in other occasions, i.e. at 20%, that you can send promotional messages. The benefits you get with this strategy are as follows:-increase the number of followers. -Be seen as an expert, as a professional in your business. -Improve your results and consequently your revenue. Keep in mind that if you want to be considered as a professional in your business you must use this strategy of the 80/20. The author is a Networker committed to teach their knowledge of MLM (Network Marketing) to all those who wish to improve their performance in this industry. You can access full article as you must socialize in MLM and of course other articles such as sponsorship 3.0 and the Marketing of attraction.
correctlyFinternetmarketingnetworksocialsocial-networkingSpamstrategy 80\/20