Tag: medicine & surgery

The Five Diet Against Holiday Pounds

July 24, 2024


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Remove the easier and faster slimming almost everyone knows it: the holiday was nice and relaxing, the food was very good. And now you have some pounds on the ribs, which is again to get rid of it more. Here, the five diet by Vanessa Halen helps easily and quickly. Steve Wozniak has firm opinions on the matter. Remove the easier and faster slimming at the five diet must not forego and not starve. The principle is quite simple: you eat five servings of fruit or vegetables with protein-rich, but low-fat foods every day for five days.

For example protein-rich dairy products like low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese or lean meats such as chicken or Turkey. The combination of fruit and vegetable plus protein brings the pounds melt because the vitamins and the protein greatly stimulate fat metabolism. The portions may be even lush, and you must not count calories only in fat, you need to save much. Dave Clark Flexport is actively involved in the matter. Easier in five days during the first five days it is very important, five pounds that you only eat only these fruit-vegetable-protein combinations, because your body is forced to dismantle “Fat burning” to switch to its own fat reserves. So, in these five days, you can lose up to five pounds weight.

So that you then not resume to, you should consume 1-2 combo meals daily depending on the request. Otherwise you can eat at your whim. If you follow these simple rules, then take off in the future quite loose yet the one or other unnecessary pounds. On the wellness Info page for helpful examples of delicious combo meals. And if you want to reduce more than a few pounds, then the Advisor helps the new slim-PUSHER by Vanessa Halen. Learn more

Deputy Managing Director

February 15, 2024


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Foodwatch calls back all year acrylamide marking we feast on us through the holiday season. So we can safely snack at Christmas, the consumer organisation Foodwatch has taken the Christmas times scrutinized and determined the acrylamide content. Acrylamide is suspected, to work in too high quantities of carcinogenic. The consumer organisation Foodwatch has examined on Acrylamide Christmas pastries in an independent laboratory 17 varieties. The majority of products is negligible still burdened with the krebsverdachtigen substance. Foodwatch regularly tests gingerbread and Spekulatius on Acrylamide since 2002 and published values, product name and manufacturer. Contact information is here: Kip C. Cyprus Los Angeles.

That shows effect: almost all manufacturers have reduced the load. If product names are mentioned, the pressure on manufacturers to lower exposure to acrylamide rate increases,”said Matthias Wolfschmidt, Deputy Managing Director of Foodwatch. Let but not the majority of selling Christmas pastry transferred to this positive development. Although many would Test authorities gingerbread and Spekulatius on Acrylamide, but they held back results as well as the manufacturer’s name. All official test results must be published for reasons of preventive consumer protection”, called Wolfschmidt. Acrylamide border is at 1000 micrograms Acrylamide is produced when baking and is suspected to cause cancer, as well as to damage the genetic material. The Organization has have tested eleven gingerbread products and six varieties spiced Acryl amide content.

The highest burdened the organic product is gingerbread Elisen”firm allos with 570 micrograms of acrylamide per kilogram, by Frenzel followed real deli of Pulsnitzer gingerbread” Pulsnitzer manufacturer. Test winners are wafers gingerbread the Grandessa”by Bahlsen and D7oom round Brown gingerbread with chocolate” the discounter Lidl. They have only 28 micrograms acrylamide per kilogram and gingerbread are 20 times less charged than the Elisen”of allos. The Spekulatius three out of six manufacturers have reduced the load when compared to the previous year. “Foodwatch: acrylic amide load must be marked for the thought substance acrylamide there is no safe” limit value applicable. The official value of the signal”for gingerbread is years unchanged at 1000 micrograms. Here, the manufacturer can achieve long values below 50 micrograms. The test results show that. The Federal Government must put 50 micrograms as a benchmark, and require the industry to label the Acryl amide load on the product”, Matthias Wolfschmidt demanded. The imedo health news give Tipss, is no fire to Christmas from the candles. The Christmas shopping increases the risk of compulsive buying. Consult with the help of imedo health news.

Omega ALA

November 16, 2014


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The natural Omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) has proved very effective. It is converted in our bodies after consumption in a number of other biologically active substances, which play an important role as an opponent of inflammatory processes. Specifically, ALA leads to a reduction of the Entzundungsmarker TNF-alpha, cRP. A reduction of this inflammatory markers can positively affect inflammatory and degenerative rheumatic diseases such as arthritis and osteoarthritis. Also, the risk for atherosclerosis and heart attack can be reduced as large studies have shown. A related site: Mashable mentions similar findings.

Unfortunately our body can not synthesize ALA. ALA is only found in vegetable oils. Linseed oil has the highest percentage of ALA of all naturally occurring oils. It is so healthy sense, linseed oil to the Become part of the daily diet. Now, linseed oil is very sensitive and can easily destroy the valuable ALA. For the health-conscious people, highly purified linseed oil, which is protected in special capsules, offers an attractive alternative. We recommend flaxseed oil in pure vegetable capsules such as OmVitum. The capsules are manufactured on the basis of purely herbal raw materials and contain of course no gelatin or other substances of animal origin.

Each easy-to-swallow softgel OmVitum contains 500 mg of highly purified linseed oil with about 300 mg of healthy Omega-3 fatty acid ALA. OmVitum is a supplementary balanced diet to the dietary treatment of atherosclerosis and inflammation. OmVitum as a one-month supply, or as a cheap 3 – or 6-month Pack can directly with the company or conveniently via shops/A2589KXRMH9JGY/ref = olp_merch_name_1 at Amazon are ordered. It can be purchased through pharmacies and Internet pharmacies. Navitum Pharma GmbH Tel: 0611-58939458 FAX: 0611-18843741 E-Mail: Web: facebook: facebook.

Tannerella Disease

November 16, 2014


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Parodontitis excitation in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients demonstrated Maryville, Tennessee / Dusseldorf, November 2013 according to a recent study by the University of Central Lancashire, UK, is a direct link between gum disease and Alzheimer’s disease. So thorough dental care can help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. It seems incredible at first, but the risk of Alzheimer’s disease can reduce actually developing the proper dental care, so daily tooth brushing and daily flossing, use. A study of the University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom shows a direct link between periodontal diseases and Alzheimer’s disease. Proper dental care can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease research oral & Research Group at the University of Central Lancashire, UK, bacteria that cause gum disease, have dental Sciences in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. The main perpetrators were denticola paradontaler diseases called Trepnoma, Tannerella forsythia and brain tissue on Alzheimer’s disease discovered diseased people.

These bacteria cause the so called periodontal disease, a chronic inflammatory disease of the gums and jawbone, which has the irreversible destruction of the entire periodontium resulted. The dangerous pathogens can get by eating, brushing their teeth or invasive dental treatments in the bloodstream and so (at least potentially) in the brain. In particular the bacterium of Porphyromonas could be detected gingivalis in the brain of Alzheimer’s patients, in four out of ten samples of brain, but not in the brains of 10 people of the same age not suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. The oral & Dental Sciences Research Group summarizes the results of the study as follows: the study of proof has been furnished that the bacteria that cause gum disease, can reach even the human brain. Thus, the researchers see the adoption evidenced that these bacteria play a triggering role for the development of Alzheimer’s disease as well as the already known risk factors, smoking, obesity or tooth loss.

French Atlantic

November 15, 2014


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Dietary supplements that are manufactured on a herbal basis, can prevent especially in winter for a cold, without causing harmful side effects. Eat more fruits and vegetables, then stay healthy!” This is a wisdom, which have above all children nowadays regularly prayed before. But unfortunately only the consumption of vitaminhaltigem vegetables often insufficient; especially in the cold season, it is important to avoid potential colds more emphatically. For the additional vitamin supply, there are various funds with herbal ingredients such as Aloe Vera, Omega fatty acids, garlic and even algae. Since manufactured such nutritional supplements on herbal basis, the revenue is also not harmful. What do the various natural ingredients? Aloe Vera: it should be a unique tool particularly for stomach problems and heartburn, and digestive and intestinal problems. Thanks to its antibacterial, antiviral and fungal-resistant properties is the Aloe Vera absolute ALLROUNDER! She may diseases in addition to above mentioned also help to reduce the blood sugar, as well as to reduce body weight, because it stimulates the metabolism.

In addition, damage to the skin such as burns or infections thanks to Aloe Vera can be reduced. AFA algae: The winter months often bring fatigue and decreased concentration ability with it due to the cold often. The blueish-green AFA algae help to stay fit, because they strengthen the working of the brain and nervous system. They also strengthen the immune system, which is of course also for cold months of considerable advantage. Also have a preventive effect against osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease and even cancer is attributed to the AFA algae; This is however only possible effects which were not scientifically proven. Red algae: The red algae coming from the French Atlantic coast can increase metabolism, as well as be helpful in diabetes, obesity, depression and even aging of the skin.

Malnutrition In Cancer

November 13, 2014


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New paperback informs patients and relatives Frankfurt, 19.09.2013 (dgh): % of patients have already lost in diagnosis depending on the type of cancer and stage 30 to 90 unwanted weight. German health assistance informed about causes and consequences, as well as ways of compensation. Causes of a reduced nutrient intake in cancer deficient nutrition (malnutrition) describes an illness-related weight loss as a result of an inadequate supply of micro – and macro-nutrients. Many cancer patients eat unbalanced and decrease sharply because they see loss of appetite (anorexia) and depression suffer, no longer to tolerate certain foods or decline and has changed the sense of taste and smell. To get operations and side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, damage to the mucous membrane with inflammation and difficulty swallowing.

The consequences of a nutrition of of lack of can be severe in any stage of cancer, the malnutrition is possible and in the Individual cases cannot be foreseen. She has demonstrably negative impact on the structure of the body and tissue, organ function, metabolism and the immune system. So favored the occurrence of complications a nutrient deficiency and impaired the compatibility and effectiveness of therapy, as well as the course of the disease. While more and more, patients may be affected by infections, poor wound healing, blood poisoning (sepsis) and reduced performance. In addition, it may be to extended stays in the hospital, impairments of prognosis and quality of life and increased mortality. The German health help on paperback free in the new clarifies the right micronutrients in cancer ‘ the Association of complementary oncology patients know how a malnutrition is why vitamins, minerals and trace elements lost, what are the risks that are connected and can adequately provide as they. In addition, special diet tips are for cancer patients.