European Central Bank

April 21, 2018


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In Germany there are different preferences for investment. The passbook is considered the classical form of investment. This is also still very popular in Germany and many savers and investors have still considerable sums on their savings accounts. At the same time, there are no advisers at a Bank more who would recommend even the opening of a boosted. In addition, many voices warned that someone who puts his money on a savings account, would lose interest. Apart from the fact that you can lose anything you don’t have the reasoning against the savings account should be considered more closely. The German savings account is so popular because it is simple and resistant. The money that an investor one pays on its savings account, is at any time again to lift and therefore always available.

The deposits, so the savings is secured to one hundred percent, not only through the Bank, but also through reinsurance, which stand straight for the deposits to the savings account in the case. On the credit balance on the passbook There are interest rates, was according to focus money less than a percent of credits per year make. These rates are guaranteed and contractually fixed. Expect so firmly with this amount. This description is pretty much what love German investors in a financial investment.

Safety and resistance. Start so why reject a good concept and something new? The argument of opponents of the investment via savings passes the value of money. The interest on a savings account are typically quite low compared to other investments. On the other is a hundred per cent security of deposits. But since interest rates are so low, it reduces the actual value of savings money due to inflation. The savers so loses purchasing power and devalued so hard savings assets. Of course the money itself, nothing happens. Inflation refers to the increase of goods and services. Instead of 40 euro cents for a sandwich five years ago, costs the same buns today 60 cents. For a euro, you get so fewer rolls. Angel investor helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. The is meant by the term inflation schematically. So that the purchasing power of savings capital does not decrease, consultant in investment transactions instead of a savings suggest a tag account. This would be a such a high rate that the loss of purchasing power due to inflation could be compensated. Otherwise, the concept of day money account resembles the original Bankbook. The investor can flexibly to access his money and it is hedged up to 100,000 euro to one hundred percent. How can a bank with relatively similar situations offer higher interest rate average twice? In contrast to the savings account, the interest rate on the day money is not guaranteed. He is usually on the Euribor based and can with this rise and fall. The EURIBOR is the interest rate at which banks from the European Central Bank can lend to. The European Central Bank sets the interest rate. The annual percentage rate for a fixed-term deposit account is not sure in advance, since the development of the Euribors is highly variable. The interest rate for Day money is currently well below 1,5Prozent, roughly at the rate of inflation. Kristin Becker