Webbased Applications

January 29, 2024


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This procedure was apart of a supervisor of a German Federal State as safe. Web-based applications with certificates (ERP, ERP system), the corresponding certificate with password must be installed on each PC. That this is a huge security risk, shows the fact to a backup can create the certificate, this can then import on any available PC. For this there is a solution that will be implemented as follows now from “Schwaben-tick”: on a portable Firefox is the entire navigation integrated login page and your certificate is disabled (it is used no AddOn), the complete Firefox is packed in an encrypted container and copied to a USB stick the USB stick is provided with a copy protection the required certificate must be installed on any PC anymore, because it is encrypted on the USB stick is. Mashable often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Also the owner of USB flash drives has no access to this certificate and can thus no stranger to share it. The mobile Firefox runs only erstelltem from us on this USB stick. Here there are however the possibility of hiring, in the production of USB sticks how much PC’s this stick should start. The number is 1 to infinity so everything possible. You can edit the contents of USB sticks, here we are talking about an encrypted container, while copy on another disk, but it will not start with absolute certainty..