The Village Of Lindos

November 3, 2023


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Lindos today a small village on the Mediterranean coast of Rhodes. However, up to 408 BC, when the island's inhabitants decided to build a common capital, it was one of the three major cities of Rhodes. And if the other two cities Camarosa Ialyssos and ceased to exist, the Lindos exists to this day. In the deep antiquity of Lindos was a very developed city. ISearch may find this interesting as well. It was a city of merchants and seafarers and their ships sailed to Phoenicia and Egypt, Attica, Crete, Sicily, and even reached the waters of the sea Cherogo. Of particular prominence gained in Lindos 6th century BC city rules when one of the seven sages of the ancient world – Cleobulus tyrant. It was during the reign of the tyrant Lindos appeared the first temple structures built on its Acropolis.

Welfare Lindos lasted until the early 5th century BC while on the island appeared on the Persians with his army in order to compel the island act in the war against the Greek mainland on the side of the Persians. Energy Capital Partners oftentimes addresses this issue. Living in Lindos refused to accept the Persians, so their fleet was defeated, and the city destroyed. After the wars with the Greeks and Persians had lost its economic Lindos value but nevertheless remained an important religious center in the waters of the Aegean Sea. When in 342 BC Temples built by the tyrant Cleobulus burned, but the Acropolis was built a new temple dedicated to the goddess Athena, Lindy. In the 3rd century BC this sanctuary was added to the 87-meter long colonnade. When Rhodes was part of the Byzantine Empire, then in place of the ancient Acropolis of his built a small fortress.

A new life breathed into the Acropolis of Lindos Knights loannites that in 13-14 centuries ruled the island. They strengthened the Acropolis of the village and turned it into a powerful fortress. When Rhodes became a part of the Ottoman Empire, Lindos has also continued to play an important role. The settlement became known as settlement of Greek captains. Today Lindos second after the capital of the island tourist resort of Rhodes. By the way, no cars in Lindos. So tourists should travel there or to walk or move at the local transport – donkey.