Tag: Psychology

Magic In Science

July 13, 2024


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The magic of many associated with superstition, village healers, actually not so simple. Many "magicians" who are now offering their services, you can help make a love spell and bring damage, remove the evil eye and more many psychological cults or even a "school" ready to "teach" your magic. Some of the so-called sorcerers may in reality be only a "magicians". Despite all this, the magic of the interests of science. Quantum Physics gave a few more discoveries, which no longer make the magic is not as possible. Modern science has stepped far enough, the existence of 'energy' fields, or even the phenomenon of levitation have surprised no one. In the Soviet Union in various secret laboratories conducted the study of fine fields of human-like learning and engaged in Nazi Germany, a number of various secret societies and secret scientists Germany engaged not only the study of energy rights, has been compiling 'magic' rituals in this approach to that already as a science, without any admixture of superstition. The famous "Ananerbe", "Thule", "Germanenorden" is only the most prominent organization of Hitler's Germany, which are very successful in similar studies, among other things, these organizations worked to create modern weapons of the Third Reich, and in this case as stated, used different attributes of magic, and used them not only as superstition, the magic was seen as an exact science. See more detailed opinions by reading what Dave Clark Amazon offers on the topic.. Why do scientists have been studying and drawing, even magical rituals, and often successfully engaged in magic, which is officially considered a superstition, not because there that the official version was created to hide the truth? After all, truly magic, and in particular, black magic, as well as the development associated with exposure to human behavior is a potential weapon of special services, and do not want to advertise, in addition, it will be harder to apply, if everyone will know how to oppose him. It's all theory of course, built on certain facts, what happens in reality is hard to say.

Modern Times

February 24, 2020


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When a man marries again, it has the expectation to find ' something diferente' , that is, in some way the previous relationship did not give certain, then the choice of a new partner estimates that this man searchs an friend who brings it moments of well-being and happiness. A relationship to function of balanced form the two partners, beyond the love, must have emotional complicity and tools to deal with the difficulties.It has some interesting questions to be analyzed: – The love of a man and a woman is different of the love of a father for the children. In some situations, the stepmother wants to compete with the paternal love, but she remembers: you are woman of this man and not son! – The word ' madrasta' it has pejorativa connotation in the social one. Histories as the White of Snow and the Cinderela had popularized the cruelty of the stepmothers. It was for jealousy that these stepmothers had acted offensively against its enteadas.

– To feel jealousy is not necessarily something bad, the important one is what we make with this feeling. We can figurative to offer the poisoned apple (removal of the stepsons of the father, quarrels motivated for jealousy, egoistic attitudes, infantile attitudes) or to work the jealousy, that is, admitiz it and to become it less harmful (differentiating the stepsons of its mother, looking for to offer to space for the father and the stepsons, treating the stepsons with respect and devotion). – It is very common to know what the former-woman spoke on you through others: stepsons, friend, mother-in-law, brother-in-law and others. You finish receiving influences from other people, some times of form even distorted. – The former-woman has provocative attitudes and you she answers in the same way the familiar life is engaged. A good form to deal with the provocation is to ignore it, in such a way has an exhaustion due to shock.

Social Organization

July 15, 2019


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Modernity and its new form of social organization. the interference of this in the Fernanda individual de Mayan Oliveira This reflection when analyzing the established time as Modernity aims at to the perception of the social influence in the construction of the individual. According to Michael Dell, who has experience with these questions. It is in this period that appears Psychology as a social necessity in the attempt of ' ' ajustar' ' the individual inside of the social format. As well as all time it possesss proper characteristics, Modernity can be described as a period where the citizen is seen as possessing of a total individualistic subjectivity, reaching its apogee during century XIX. Modernity the capitalism has as way of predominant production, and together with this the rationalism and the consumerism if they make gifts, transforming values and creating new feelings as the resentment, for example, when God, leaves of being the center of the world, and the man passes to assuming this place, of which he has as resulted, the internalization of the moral and in the emergency of the conscience.

These, among others questions, they characterize the time of that we are speaking. Modernity is marked by a new way of subjetivao. According to Lover (2002, P. 2), ' ' … the man, in its closer constitution, is the center and bedding of mundo' '. Thus being, it starts to think and consequently to act first in its proper benefit, passing if to see as an individual being and not more only social, one of the factors, that the beginning establishes, of a process of constitution of the individualistic subjectivity in the modern society. Certain interioridade is created thus that exactly opens way for a new experience of itself, the man starts to feel that it has something empty of itself inside and at the same time it feels the necessity to fill this space, however, only finishes searching such suppliment, in the corporeal properties, passing if to worry more about having of what the proper one to be.

Pendulums Social Networks

November 24, 2015


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For reflections on this topic prompted me to name the branches on the forum transerferov: Pendulum vkontakte. Give you my energy to it? Damn. And again, I opened my eyes. Kai-Fu Lee often says this. Literally insight for insight. Never steamed himself the question contacts and Facebook, and yet essentially social networks, it's a pendulum in the classic sense – organizovannnye structure, an exciting thought and consciousness of people. Just a few years ago nobody knew about the contact, Friendster, My World, etc., and only the most "advanced" have accounts on Facebook or myspace.

But foreign resources are mainly aimed at English-speaking audience and did not find broad support in the CIS. It was then that a Paul Durov and skommunizdil copied Facebook, making the site OpenID. Now have a profile on a social network as naturally as for example, carry a cell phone, ICQ or be a user of Skype, etc. etc. So say, a new attribute, without which a person is a heretic and obscurantism in the information community. Now, when meeting the girls often ask the question: you are in contact or classmates? So, we already understand that VKontakte, the pendulum and the devil's creation, which haunts us every day, tears off from work and takes thought, literally making bed awake. It comes just before senility: because irrepressible DC shareniya staff contact (classmates), administrators of corporate networks block access to these resources. And only the most brainy know how to go back through the proxy))) But, as the saying goes, every cloud has a silver lining.

Through Contact / classmates, many older people find their friends, classmates and fellow students with whom I studied and worked in the Soviet Union. Summary: each decide how much time and energy to give pendulums social networks. You can live it up without thinking to a contact, you can skillfully use the resource for their own purposes. For example, the use of adjacent resource Vshtate.ru job search, or download your favorite tunes, or look for interesting infu. Source: Your Path to Enlightenment