Tag: Movie

3D Films

October 15, 2011


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Free movies made in 2010, and more often be accompanied by 3D (three dimensional) image. To order the person saw things he found themselves before the bulk, every eye in the brain makes them different perspectives. Viewing these films are most often done in cinema, that view 3D movie building will not spend a small bag of equipment (goggles, and it is likely a special monitor.) The cheapest method view of the latest such movies in the economic development criteria anaglyph (glasses with colored filters – the approximate cost of the equipment 350rubley) acts with at least monitor what, in the absence of glasses will look picture forked. Next frequent at this day slide design (120 – gertsovoy monitor, stereo shutter glasses sync to the monitor via infrared – the transmitter – the approximate cost of the equipment 20-thousand. Ruble) set has the ability to restrict rather expensive, although the picture looks fantastic 3D (in the second sees 60 images for 1 and 60 eyes slightly shifted to another). Another view of such a technique in family movies criteria for the development of polarization – the individual images for the left eye and right eye-shaped manner suitable polarization images (monitor, polarized glasses – the approximate cost of equipment 15 rubles.). You probably are interested in possibly find where voprosets 3D films, no matter what closer adopted the usual 3D Vlu-rau, discs with three-dimensional image data on the media is still too little. But there are also other ability.

Such as for example the web (on YouTube uploaded videos in small 3D), it is possible to make a further search those movies on search engines (and so Yandeks dalie). Also, it is possible to find 3D motion pictures and on DvD, the truth most of the of them exhibit only two-dimensional image, although the player RowerDvD 10 3D Ultra can add a stereo, and usually results in just such films. True 3D quality is not quite surprising. Three-dimensional technology has not yet won a movie industry, took up home computers.