Tag: construction and repair

Moscow Water

April 1, 2020


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Non-galvanized products, in addition, are subject to rust. Deposits inside the pipes is not only impede the flow of water on the upper floors of the building, but also worsen its hygienic properties, negating the "no" to water activities. It is obvious that this problem is widespread, so it was quite interesting to hear from experts and become familiar with practical recommendations to address this negative phenomenon. By the same author: Nicolas Keller. So, the mechanic energy section of the Moscow branch of CenterTelecom Vladimir Samburu, said: "At the moment the only way to restore the normal operation of pipelines is that they flush. Based on our practices, with a small thickness of sediments of some parts of pipe was washed with a strong jet of water, and for systems "experienced", we use compressed air. The velocity of water-air mixture in the process of cleaning must reach 2 – 3 m / s, the pressure air supply – at least 0.7 MPa at a flow rate of 5 – 6 m 3 per 1 m3 of water. The air is preferably delivered to the network periodically, at intervals of 1 – 3 min. Flowing into the riser air mixture boils and is well removed from the walls all deposits. Purification yields better results if you first before starting work in the tower to enter a small number of large salt crystals in which the flow acts like sandpaper ". Depending on the quality water used and the material from which pipes are made, this procedure should be performed every 4 – 7 years.

Fire Doors

July 3, 2011


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To save lives in fires during the construction and repair facilities use fire steel door. Fire doors is one of the types of fire barriers and allow you to stop fire in buildings, this makes it possible to evacuate people and material assets and allows you to stop the fire. Fire barriers are of two types – local and general obstacles. Among the local fire barriers are: hatches, doors, gates, latches and other details, and the walls, floors, walls and roof are common fire designs. Local fire protection designs are paying much less attention, although they develop as active as the previous ones. Therefore, sometimes people design houses are not always correct. For this propose to consider in more detail fire steel door as an important element of technology security. Today, many manufacturers use the door hardware, doors, boxes and other items made of steel, it is the best material, fleeing from the fire.

Steel fire doors did not differ in the size of the timber doors. Also, many designers try to approximate the appearance of fire doors to the ordinary door. To place an appearance of use coverage, quality is sometimes so great that not every immediately realizes that the door was steel. In modern laboratories conducted many tests with simulation of regular fires. Most study two refractory opportunities are: 1. preserve the integrity of the door leaf when effects of different temperatures with different time intervals, that is, how long it will not fall out of the door frame 2.