Tag: cinema & entertainment
American Idol At The End? 2012 Will Be An End, Says…
Industry experts predict end of quota strong talent show after the game is before the game,”says one usually. Here, Mashable expresses very clear opinions on the subject. In the case of Germany sucht den superstar”could be it but also the last game – 2012 – then when the ninth season at the start and again venture thousands of willing to show in front of the camera. (TNN) Recently, the station announced to start the next year with fundamental changes. So also the over 30 years to get a chance and for the first time prize money also will pay the winner of the show EUR 500,000. May, RTL hopes that new customers”to attract, because after became known as such a shot go can go also back (Nina Richel) it is becoming increasingly difficult, persuading young people to humiliate themselves on camera. The annually recurring old acquaintances are second problem”, people who have applied times and do it again and again. So how can the format also reinvent itself? And money as a lure at all the right solution? In the Forum by Holger Kreymeier, one of the harshest critics of TV land, an industry insider writes here: the American Idol format has passed its zenith.
The lemon is almost crushed. This was particularly evident at preliminary auditions, which came out this time almost entirely without authentic figures. It was instead Ext. zusammengecastete, well-known in part Hirnis before the jury, which delivered their appearance based on script. The scripted reality”has conquered thus American Idol.
It culminated in that duration victim of Menderes in the recall was asked. I predict that the next season of 2012 will be the last.” (fernsehkritik.tv / Forum) And the man might be right! Want the show also continues to endure, it needs significant changes, also in dealing with the audience and the candidates. Many former fans of the show have turned off, to many scandals, too little musical quality. The news magazine of der Spiegel”found the RTL show this year” just simply embarrassing. On the other hand, there were the scandals, exactly the were formative for the interest of the media. Can both be somehow unite? It will be probably difficult without something comparable to repeat the success of the 8th season again, or even beat, also the insiders know to report once again Greggy”from the Forum of TV critics. In most other seasons, the RTL tutoring was not necessary, because the producers were smart enough, the drama a priori to get cast. Either with freaks (Kala, Lorenzo) or ASIS (Sheila), which provided all alone for enough soap opera, to underpin the show with neat Boulevard chatter. If you will only bore on the stage, you just have to look how to help after the Bambule. That’s show business!” (www.forum.fernsehkritik.tv) “Helping to” was the real catalyst for mass protests online as offline, which resulted in that this time even the North Rhine-Westphalian youth protection has been working with known output. How and by what means the odds strong casting format assert themselves in the future wants, remains as doubtful as to be seen. Yet the current American Idol sniffs “winner Pietro Lombardi at the scent of great wealth, which once again stands or falls with only a name: Dieter Bohlen!” Sean Quentin Dexter for TeleNewsNet tvdesk/index.html
June 19, 2023
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Julie & Julia movie with Meryl Streep Julia Child (Meryl Streep) is the acclaimed author of a cookbook, which takes the French cuisine to America by the bored wife of diplomat in Paris in the 1950s. Office Assistant Julie (Amy Adams) lives and bored York here and now in the new and comes shortly before the Koller on the idea, writing in a blog, to combine all 524 recipes of Julia Child Cookbook classic in 365 days to prepare and in their second great passion. Soon she’s got more readers than she dared to dream. Julie & Julia is really a very successful film and especially the appearance of Meryl Streep is again fantastic. These would receive several nominations for Julie & Julia, one of which is the Oscar nomination. Who is on a diet but at the time, should abandon the film during this time, because so many delicious recipes is the temptation, not at the refrigerator go very large and requires a high degree of self-control to one itself, not just to take the wooden spoon in hand.
These recipes to cook itself and then to feast to your heart’s content. Short description of the plot: two women in different eras and situations that combines her love of food and their husbands: 1949 discovered Julia Child, wife of American Government employees shifted to Paris, her new vocation as a cook and as author of a cookbook about French cuisine. The publishers are scared off by the enormous number of the book. An editor finally takes the time to deal specifically with this book. You cook up recipes and is thrilled, so the book finally adjourned and Julia can hold eight years after beginning their work finally in the hands of it. The 524 recipes wants to cook Julie Powell 2002 in New York within one year and documented this mammoth task in a blog.
The press begins to report and steadily increasing the number of its readers. Shortly before the end of the year, Julie, who has been hyped in their imagination to be the perfect wife Julia, learns that this from her blog is a little excited and feels the approach on their work rather than disrespectful. Julie but relies on the image, which has made them by Julia in her fantasy and ended their experiment finally as planned after a year. Many publishers have stepped forward to make a book from their experiences of the year. After the end of the year, visited the museum dedicated to Julia, Julie and there leaves a piece of butter, because butter is the main ingredient for all food according to Julia’s.
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