With these comments we can to say ratify them of Mrdieu, that ‘ ‘ the one construction coherent space clearly and represented is operated at the same time that the construction of objeto’ ‘ . This concept can justify the reason that the pupils who had represented God in its conceptions of sprouting of the universe had not drawn the procedural way it (sprouting it universe), therefore in the Christianity does not exist theories that explain the universe, and yes the elements that composes the planet Land, with exception of the Sun. Therefore the reason is placed of because that the pupils who conceive God, had drawn terrestrial landscapes, they never turn an explanation who God created Mars, Comets, Galaxies and other bodies that you compose the universe, the objects that the pupils had represented in its drawings are coherent with its conceptions, the religious one. In the representations made for the pupils of 5 series (6ano) perceives a variety of concepts of as the sprouting of the universe would have occurred. Where they appear in two drawings Big Bang, two drawings God, two drawings hurricane, a shock of planets and three of the pupils do not possess one formed conception. We have that to lead in consideration that the pupils of 5 series (6 year), are passing for just a contact with science, still either early to perhaps conclude its opinions. We can apply to say of Mredieu ‘ to them; ‘ In the lived experience the percipient one does not hold objects fixos’ ‘ , justifying the varieties of concepts that possess the pupils, and that future, its concepts of sprouting of the universe will go to pass for transformations. Comparing the drawings of the pupils of 1ano of average education with the ones of the pupils of 5 series (6ano) how much its conceptions of sprouting of the universe, notices that the pupils of 1 of average education conceive Big Bang and Deus, already the pupils of 5 series (6 year) appears more conceptions as Big Bang, God, hurricane, shock of planets and pupils who do not possess conceptions. Also comparing the drawings of the two groups, we can observe that the universe for the majority of the pupils composes what would be the Solar System with some
Solar System
May 26, 2017
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With these comments we can to say ratify them of Mrdieu, that ‘ ‘ the one construction coherent space clearly and represented is operated at the same time that the construction of objeto’ ‘ . This concept can justify the reason that the pupils who had represented God in its conceptions of sprouting of the universe had not drawn the procedural way it (sprouting it universe), therefore in the Christianity does not exist theories that explain the universe, and yes the elements that composes the planet Land, with exception of the Sun. Therefore the reason is placed of because that the pupils who conceive God, had drawn terrestrial landscapes, they never turn an explanation who God created Mars, Comets, Galaxies and other bodies that you compose the universe, the objects that the pupils had represented in its drawings are coherent with its conceptions, the religious one. In the representations made for the pupils of 5 series (6ano) perceives a variety of concepts of as the sprouting of the universe would have occurred. Where they appear in two drawings Big Bang, two drawings God, two drawings hurricane, a shock of planets and three of the pupils do not possess one formed conception. We have that to lead in consideration that the pupils of 5 series (6 year), are passing for just a contact with science, still either early to perhaps conclude its opinions. We can apply to say of Mredieu ‘ to them; ‘ In the lived experience the percipient one does not hold objects fixos’ ‘ , justifying the varieties of concepts that possess the pupils, and that future, its concepts of sprouting of the universe will go to pass for transformations. Comparing the drawings of the pupils of 1ano of average education with the ones of the pupils of 5 series (6ano) how much its conceptions of sprouting of the universe, notices that the pupils of 1 of average education conceive Big Bang and Deus, already the pupils of 5 series (6 year) appears more conceptions as Big Bang, God, hurricane, shock of planets and pupils who do not possess conceptions. Also comparing the drawings of the two groups, we can observe that the universe for the majority of the pupils composes what would be the Solar System with some