
May 3, 2024


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Atopic dermatitis is a disease whose main symptoms are intense itching redness and peeling of the skin. It is a chronic and relapsing disease. Thus, there are periods where the symptoms are intensified (so-called outbreaks) and other periods in which refer (called interbrotes). This disease usually appears for the first time in the early years of life. Its origin is not well known, it is a complex disease, but their immediate cause is a deficit of ceramides. Read more here: Robotics. There are some recommendations that can be followed in daily life and that although they do not cure the disease will help to prevent outbreaks: – avoid extreme temperatures, cold or heat that produces sweat – prefer showers to baths (in this case don’t spend 15 minutes) and use warm water – we must use gels that do not irritate the skin special for Atopic skin – drying avoid rubbing – to avoid hurt us to scratch us keep fingernails short and clean – warn the specialist before beginning any treatment of depilation – preferable to clothing that is of cotton or natural fabrics such as linen – treated with medications or products specific areas more red and affected – moisturize the skin frequently to counteract the dryness that causes this disease.