Month: March 2020

Baths Maintenance Kits

March 29, 2020


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Usually the repair kit usually consists of a jar of putty, a tube of hardener spray (spray) paint, and to eliminate minor defects – lacquered pencil. Before you apply these materials thoroughly treated and cleaned the place to be repaired. To do this, there are a set of mini-spatula and sanding sandpaper. Work with the putty is very simple (it does not build a house)). Taken from the banks needed amount of mass for the repair of damaged areas. Add to it 1 / 20 of hardener and mix.

Clean, degrease and dry the defective place, plenty of cause for a mini-trowel the mixture. Intensively smooth mass should not be, or may be formed groove. Slightly better off the excess. After waiting about 30 minutes, place the defective process of sanding with emery paper, also included in the repair kit. By removing sanding dust, the "object" for repair in multiple layers, until it is completely covered, sprayed paint. While the paint dries (four days), if possible avoid contact with the refurbished space water. With fillers or lacquer pencil can remove defects and washing machines, cooking stove and a refrigerator with a metal base with enamel.

It is also possible to eliminate defects in ceramic tiles. Hardened putty has very high hardness. The disadvantage is the need to putty long (four days) of drying. Putty has a strong pungent smell, which disappears only after it has cured. Therefore, your home should be well aired after use. You also need to wet cleaning in all areas. Faces of the classic kitchen decor surprisingly diverse, and malleable, they can express a variety of shades of mood, to create a special atmosphere of rustic elegance or exaggerated, the severity or playfulness, luxury or simplicity. From the diversity of techniques used by the creators of classic cuisines, can literally capture the spirit, the ruler of the materials used is amazing, and the technology can meet and craft traditions of past centuries, and most modern developments.

Haight Ashbury

March 27, 2020


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Until then the hippies of conviction were lonely Palm trees in the desert. Others dress of hippies to exit the weekend but didn’t understand the philosophy nor the mysticism behind the movement. See how 500,000 people lived together three days in peace and harmony under the rain and mud, with psychedelic dancing you in neurons, made the concept on the use of recreational drugs to deal with a new status. Today the marijuana has been proven by 43 percent of Americans (120 million). Percentage, more than in the Netherlands (22.6 per cent) where its use was decriminalised for three decades. Stu Cook, bassist of Creedence Clearwater Revival, which was the central event of the event, recalls that he and his group arrived environment rocker of the San Francisco Bay Area with skepticism. We always look of the nose down to the East Coast, we had Golden Gate Park. We thought we had something special.

But in Woodstock, we saw that there were freaks everywhere. The concert became visible, due to excessive vehicular traffic that jammed the roads with a million people trying to reach the tiny village that appeared on the map because it authorized the show on its slopes. Woodstock became famous by the chaos that resulted, but without victims, as it would happen in Altamont. There was no water, food or enough bathrooms. All that was left were drugs, and nobody thought that half a million young people with the altered senses could sensibly be handled in that environment.

The important media mentioned the news reaching the cover of Time magazine. Otherwise it would have been nothing more than a note in the local newspapers of Berkeley and Haight Ashbury. Then came the Oscar-winning film. Contagious sense of camaraderie lasted a short time. Reality made us return to life as it has always been and will continue to be. The Grateful Dead wanted to keep the spirit of the age in his constant pilgrimage, but never again to feel that singular union that occurred in a short unforgettable moment in the history of rock.


March 26, 2020


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– The scientists descubriram despite everything this, that Half-God Kofuchin, comes of a distant planet, a different solar system of ours, where she can more exist many Half and new Being-Living creature and new lives The great objectivo of the scientists, is to descubrirem where if &#039 points out this; ' planeta' ' However, Kofuchin appeared another time in the Land, the center of the territory of the such Deuses come of the flames of the hell, it was floating in the sky of the territory, where deuses if had congregated all, to try to kill it, derepente, only appears an enormous flash that dims half world, when the flash disappears, already deuses did not have more, and Kofuchin had disappeared, and there only they remained the inhabitants of the land, and the scientists in search of answers – One day, no longer year of 1000 a.c' , where the scientists had more experience, new technologies (already they knew to make fire with pedrinhas xD) and already had more attitude and etc, somebody was arisen saying ' ' ugyyyyyyyyyyyyy urh yghu jujni Kofuchin rujan' ' that in our good Portuguese he means ' ' upiiiiiiiiiii descubri of where it is that Kofuchin vem' ' all the other scientists had been arisen with an astonishment look and had wanted to know its answers Passed 5 hours of colloquy and more research to confirm if the information was truth, them they went to announce world-wide of where Kofuchin came, and the Operations special would go to embark for this planet with the objectivo of descubrir more information and answers, BUT, at the moment that the scientists had arisen themselves to say the truth on Kofuchin, a flash if gave, and Kofuchin appeared, same in the way of them, an enormous noise if made for nimguem to know the truth on it, and however, it killed all these scientists that they knew everything on it, and destroyed all the tests objectos that contiam information on it, and later it disappeared, flying on the world, with its enormous you bake to spill blood, and its black look, all the inhabitants of feared it to the land. . Further details can be found at Zendesk, an internet resource.

State Day

March 24, 2020


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We are in a strange country where everything seems to be subject to grants if it does not gives the impression that we don’t set up any project, recently someone told me I need a grant for my movie, someone else told me I need a grant to start a magazine, I want to mount a play, a ballet, a zarzuela and for all cultural projects they need public aid to build schools, hospitals, and even be responsible for debts of sports clubs of all kinds. Public money appears on all sides which I do not know if it is good or bad but it’s so, sad when the State extended its tentacles every day to more places in society, which I think will not be good for the entrepreneurial minds than to see it all wrong, they give up trying. This situation has reminded me to confused when it advocated that that the protective State watched over your interests, I do not know if this will happen, but me, I don’t like that they put in my existence because it costs me enough to keep me in a certain logical order, that nobody would come to tell me how you must work out my existence, enough have I with all weather events that day to day I have in my soul. Under most conditions Michele Glaze would agree. That State you come to tell me as I think, feel, read, hear, see, ect is appalling the idea of all feel equal, all thinking the same thing, asking us the same type of things, as if you were to standardize everything. Imagine all listening to the same music that horror, watching the same programs, receiving the same information is branded something almost subversive criticism in today’s society, the four times I have tried to put me in politics I’ve been scalded, because the first thing I ask is that I affiliate to the party and pay my fee, one that is paying just enough It castles in the thing that defend a philosophical and political idea to pay, rather than believe in that which is defended, the money do not need this for important things like health, and other basic services water, light and telephone. Pay for defending your thoughts sounds absurd, even sounds weird to belonging to a particular club but of a philosophical nature, doesn’t sound good..

Hard Position

March 24, 2020


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Since last month, Jason holds a position on DELL. He's already in profit, and profit forecasts irningov promise, in particular, because of entering new markets. On the other hand, the economic indicators look grim. Business news full the stories of cuts in companies that can easily be put up for sale new computers at low prices. Jason was in a quandary. He is proud of his decision to buy a DELL, and hopes to undertake profitable deal, but the questions' I have been trading on the news? I listen to the media and ignoring other more important economic indicators? I must now sell or even hold a long position? " do not give rest. He wants make a profit, but on the other hand, he did not want to be a winning position into a loss-making.

It is one thing – a wrong assumption about the opening position, and quite another – to allow the transaction profitnoy turn into a loss. Inaction – that's the main reason for regret. What to look for possible causes for regret, why not sell right away, do not it better to take profits and to experience the pride? The interaction between regret and pride affect many investment decisions. On the one hand, people prefer to feel proud, basking in the glow of winning trades, but on the other hand, 'let him come profits. " Hard to let a winning trade develop. Suddenly it will unfold, and inaction may subsequently result in regret. According to behavioral economists, regret and pride – the two most common and powerful emotions related to investment decisions. Traders and investors are looking for an occasion for pride and avoid regret.

Pride comes when we reached an important goal. It brings a feeling of extreme satisfaction. Regret is when we was a bad decision. According to behavioral economists, the need for pride and fear of regret forcing traders and investors close winning positions prematurely and unnecessarily perederzhivat unprofitable. Here's how it happens. Closing unprofitable transaction forcing the investor to recognize that his trading plan was flawed. Instead of feeling pride he feels guilty, that is an unpleasant emotion. Hard faced with regret from a bad decision, so this decision is postponed. On the other hand, closing a winning position gives the right to boast. People will feel proud great victory and bask in the glory of a good transaction. What is wrong with this strategy? Dr. Terrance Odean study showed that a winning position, in all probability, will remain a winning one. If the trader is held back her, it would bring more revenue. Rushing closing it for the sake of a sense of pride means the satisfaction of pride at the expense of greater profits. However, early closure of a losing position would be far more wise move. Losing position tend to deteriorate future. Do not let regret and pride to govern themselves. Cover the losses and hold returns.