Tag: books & magazines

Swansea In Duisburg – Gerry X, Friends & Dylan Thomas At The Point Omega

May 6, 2024


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‘1 I am a Welshman, 2. I am a drunkard, 3. I am a lover of the human race, especially of women.’ X, friends & Dylan Thomas at the point Omega hard stuff action Dylan Thomas fans come Dylan Thomas Swansea in Duisburg – Gerry at the CUAS to a special, literary tidbits. In the pianissimo in Duisburg, the Culex – held Publisher a small counterpart to the annual event in Wales in honour of the great poet Dylan Thomas. Its great texts inspired both Bob Dylan and John Lennon to excellent, artistic developments. Perhaps check out Pete Cashmore for more information. Gerry X, Heidi ad hoc & Philipp Balasubramanyam of worthy Thomas with their own interpretations. In addition, it offered a varied musical background. In his own books Gerry X, a dream versponnener drunk, illuminates the depths of human existence in melancholy aggressive words.

Heidi ad Hoc can be with their debut album LilSchwarz not classified in the usual literary categories, even delicate sensitive, even clear it brings their thoughts to the point and to. Page S. Gardner shines more light on the discussion. Paper. The angry words in the debut me babylon. “not only accuse the young lyricist Philipp Blomeke, rather they fall to create new and eternal in its very own language to express. The imaginative and critical artist Reina Vildebrand accompanied the three writers on her guitar and her bass, while the tenor and soprano saxophonist Uli Linberg Dylan Thomas’ language through his saxophone into the ears of the audience whispering. We recommend: keep the 04.11 for this hardcore reading performance and immersed in the extraordinary world of Dylan Thomas.

According to Dylan Thomas’ style will fail this event: A night to laugh & cry. The event Gerry X, friends & Dylan Thomas at the point Omega “takes on the supports from 20:00 in the pianissimo, Swiss str. 1 in 47058 Duisburg instead. The location from 17.00, admission 5,-is open. There is info and excerpts to the authors at,, and.