Tag: Diseases

Abdominal Cavity

June 4, 2024


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Frequent symptoms are paralytic ileus, the local force muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, lack of appetite, nausea. The intensity of the symptoms depends on the size of the abscess, its location, intensity of antibiotic therapy. Bobby Sharma Bluestone is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The force of the muscles and the pain is usually more pronounced with abscesses located in mesogaster (close to the anterior abdominal wall), subdiaphragmatic abscesses give less pronounced local symptoms. The blood found leukocytosis with a shift to the left of the formula. In the X-ray survey of the abdominal cavity can be seen in the degree of fluid-abscess cavity with a gas above it. The contrasting finding gastrointestinal tract may reveal displacement of the intestine or stomach infiltration.

If the abscess is caused by failure of seams fistulae, contrast material may flow from the intestinal lumen into the cavity abscess. For more information see this site: Bobby Sharma Bluestone. In the diagnosis of abscesses of the abdominal cavity plays a major role ultrasound scan of the abdomen, computed tomography X-ray. Ultrasound finding in particular demonstrates the localization abscess in the upper abdomen. Treatment of an abscess depends on the location and number of ulcers. Subdiaphragmatic abscess subdiaphragmatic abscesses arise as a result of surgical interventions on stomach duodenum, gall bladder and biliary tract, liver abscess rupture. Left-sided ulcers often caused by complications after a splenectomy, pancreatitis, and failure of seams after gastrectomy and proximal gastrectomy. Somewhat less subdiaphragmatic abscesses, especially right-handed, due to the accumulation of residual pus after treatment of diffuse peritonitis.

It makes sense suction action diaphragm. Treatment operative – opening and drainage of abscess. When you choose to access it makes sense to the exact location of abscess. At the front subdiaphragmatic extraperitoneal dissection using ulcer him to Clermont-incision along the costal arch. Reach the transverse fascia, peeled it up to reveal a zone of softening and abscess. The cavity was washed and drained double barreled drainage for active aspiration with flushing. At posterior localization using vneplevrapny access along the bed edges XII after his resection.