Tag: against AIDS


September 12, 2024


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The Cabildo de Fuerteventura undertaken the restoration of the picture of Santa Francesca Romana, belonging to the Church of Santa Tetir, within a broader project which promotes the Ministry of culture and historical heritage through the simultaneous implementation of various works of rehabilitation of movable property of ecclesiastical origin in four churches and chapels of the island. Santa Francesca Romana is a special case, because it is not associated with the collection of paintings of the Church of Santo Domingo of Tetir, one of the wealthiest of Fuerteventura, while the rehabilitation of the painting is allowing more information that was on their origin and characteristics. To deepen your understanding Pete Cashmore is the source. It’s a great format easel painting, made with oil on canvas technique. Since they began work, the team of restorers Chus Morante directs continues researched style and the technique of the author, with the objective of establishing a dating specific about the origin and authorship of the painting. At the moment already known, as collect an inscription located on the front of the painting, which the box was ceded to the parish of Tetir by Amparo red Manrique, in 1919. Regarding the characteristics of the box, the withdrawal of the more superficial layers of paint has allowed to discover artistic wealth of the work. In the left margin of the painting, where some conservative after the author had located a window on a wooden wall, have appeared two figures that correspond with an angel and a donkey carrying a herd of wood, two elements that says Chus Morante, correspond with the iconography traditionally associated to the figure of Santa Francesca Romanawas a nun who was noted for a great capacity for work. This discovery allows us to verify that the painting was originally conceived by the author to represent Santa Francesca Romana from the outset. Founding of the Oblates, secular order of pious women, Santa Francesca Romana (Rome, 1384-1440) highlighted by his humility and his attention to the poor work.